Preventative surgery

Finny61 Member Posts: 2 New Member
edited February 2024 in General discussion
Hello. I am 62 years old. I have a very strong family history of breast cancer. My mum died at 63. Is there anyone who has either had a double mastectomy as a preventative measure? I’m seriously considering it at the moment. I am done with the anxiety after every mammogram waiting for the call to say there is a diagnosis. 


  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,525
    Hi @Finny61, I am in a different situation to you but a friend of mine did this in her 40s. Every female in her family history had breast cancer. She had the brca gene and did a preventative double mastectomy with no issues or regrets. That was 20 yrs ago now. Talk to your doctor about this and your risks. It's a big decision. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,286
    Hi @Finny61 - sorry to see you join our exclusive little club - but we are here to support you ..... whack up any question you have & hopefully we'll be able to give you honest answers, as we've 'been there, done that'.  xx

    Have you had the gene test for BRCA, given your family history?  That may well influence your decision too.  There are many women who have had preventative surgery & had both breasts removed (but not me - I had a lumpectomy on my right boob.)  Some have found cancer in both - others just in the 'nominated' one ...   You just need to be very comfortable with your decision - which ever one you decide on. 

    Be guided by your surgeon - write down ALL your questions & tick them off & take notes (or record the appt) so you should get all the answers - as they will have seen many similar 'cases' as yours ....  In a perfect world, having both breasts removed to prevent a recurrence would be wonderful (if it always worked out that way) - but being totally honest up front here, some, sadly, still do go to have a recurrence .... so having a double isn't a 100% guarantee - tho as @Cath62 said - her friend is 20 years out without a recurrence, so that is pretty good!!   Make sure you ask the surgeon about % recurrence after a Double xx

    Have you considered whether you want a reconstruction or prefer to stay flat?  We have 2 private groups that you can join and ask questions from both.  They also have photos of what you can expect, both staying flat or having reconstruction.

    Jump onto this thread for a lot of 'general' info on the forum - and other areas that we 'play around with'!   You can show off your pets, your art & craft, your garden ..... and we even have a couple of funny threads too - as we all need a good belly laugh now & then!!!

    take care & all the best xx
  • Finny61
    Finny61 Member Posts: 2 New Member
    Thank you for your responses. I appreciate it very much. Because it was so long ago that my mum was diagnosed & passed away there is no way of knowing which gene she carried. So I guess the next step for me & possibly my daughter Is whether we have genetic counselling to help with decision making. 
    If I were to have a double mastectomy I wouldn’t have reconstruction. 
    Thanks again. 
    Take care. 
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    edited February 2024
    @Finny61 have you contacted the genetic counselling department at your hospital?  There isn't any gentle way to say this, but tumours are stored away for many years. I am not sure how far back! If the genetic team warrant it beneficial in your case to get access to records/pathology then the next of kin will be able to sign the release form.

    I am also in my 60s, but also mindful results can be disturbing on our young childbearing age daughters.  Although the brca gene is imperative that we know one way or the other.  I do not carry the brca gene, thankfully.

    Perhaps look into getting more details to put your mind at rest.  Wishing you all the best.

  • MrsMorrisey
    MrsMorrisey Member Posts: 89
    I’d be getting the test done then go from there. I’m about to get tested for the gene because I had a cancer removed a few weeks ago and my sister had BC but if it comes back positive I probably won’t do anything. 
    It’s a big operation for something that might not happen. 
    The thing is you either get cancer or you don’t. 
    Just a lottery with a crappy prize.