Here Goes



  • TabooGal
    TabooGal Member Posts: 146
    @kmakm Summer is going to be a blast with short hair!
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    Thanks @Eastmum and @TabooGal ,  Just one of those days today.  Am usually really independent and positive and think its the first day I had a really good Blub on the quiet, Tomorrow is another day hey.   Great haircut @TabooGal it does really suit you. It would have been great having a visit from your daughter.   Thanks @Eastmum will definitely take my list of questions.  xoxo
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Yep! Bald last summer, short hair this summer!  B)
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    Yikes, first chemo lined up for Tuesday.  Having 4 cycles TC but told not to be surprised that it might turn into 6. Then 12 weekly cycles after that.  Got the chemo cut out the road and the hairdresser refused any payment. How friggin awesome are some people.  Also got the "Side Effect " list from the the Onc.  :*   Wish I hadn't read the bloody thing. I'll be pleased just to get this first one out the road.  I guess main worry is if I have any bad reactions.  

    Hope you are travelling okay @TabooGal 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I got comped that cut too @kitkatb. Some people are just so kind.

    Who told you your TC chemo might be six? That would be quite unusual, the standard dose is four. The 12 weekly cycles after that is Taxol?

    There's a TC thread here which a few of us that have been through it this year have filled with questions and answers and experiences. If you want to chwck it out it's here:

    Try not to worry too much about the side effects list. No one gets all of them and while there are some in common, we all react differently. If something is troubling you, don't hesitate to get on to your oncologist to get a different/stronger/better medication to control it.

    The first one is the worst simply because it's the unknown. You'll soon settle into the routine. Hang in there, we'll hold your hand all the way through, and then you'll be out the other side. You've got this. Kate xox
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @kitkatb I’m with Kate - that was the chemo I had and it was only 4 rounds - did they say why maybe 6??  Don’t stress about the side effect list - they have to tell u everything that MAY happen. Chemo wasn’t a party but not as bad as I expected. The first was bad cause of anxiety and my 3rd was worst with side effects but everyone is different. I still managed to work somewhat through it. Good luck and big hugs xxoxo
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    Thanks for the words @kmakm and @Kiwi Angel  ,  This BC just bloody sucks but will hang in there.  Just the anxiety of the first one.   The Oncologists I met were nice, one of them was head of oncology department but both really approachable.  They said to start off with the standard 4 cycles with the possibility of going to 6 although they would avoid if at all possible but not to be surprised if it went that way.  Unexpected high grade DCIS as well as the grade 3 cancer they removed.  It also has unusual characteristics topped with HER+  affect by only 1%.     Will let you know how I go.  Spent the morning getting my music sorted to take with me as well as a good book. ( I'll probably end up reading the same page over or not even looking at it.  Lol)  Have an awesome weekend girls.   xox
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    You too @kitkatb! K xox
  • Finch
    Finch Member Posts: 302
    @kitkatb best of luck with your TC chemotherapy ... I had that also, @Kiwi Angel started chemo same day (different cities) and did it together.  The first one is pretty scary -  I was terrified, but the drugs you're given really do manage the side effects.  If they don't you're expected to not suffer in silence but let oncology know so they can give you extra medication.  I was fortunate and didn't need anything extra.  
    My big advice is drink 2 1/2 - 3 litres of water a day.  It gets rid of the chemo out of your body quick smart, helps with nausea, constipation and I believe kept side effects for me at a minimum. All the best and big hugs xxx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    All the best for your chemo, @kitkatb  - I second @Finch's advise - drink heaps of water to flush the chemo out & hopefully the side effects won't be 'as bad' ..... tho be prepared for feeing pretty stuffed, 3-4 days in.    Make sure you take the anti nausea tablets etc .... if you fee crook - pop yourself in bed!  This is what we did with my husband when he had his chemo.    I was lucky & dodged the chemo bullet!  

    That's terrific you got on so well with your Oncs .... they are such an important part of your life just now.

    Thinking of you xxx

  • TabooGal
    TabooGal Member Posts: 146

    Hey all I am still here. Main side effect 13 days after 1st AC had been exhaustion. Mouth a little sore but sucking on zooper doopers in front of the heater is helping lots. I made a decision today to take extended unpaid leave and dropped into work to let them know. Was awesome to see everyone again. What was happening, I was preparing myself mentally the night before to go to work but wasn't able to get out of bed to go. The pressure I have been putting on myself was too much. This way I can focus totally on treatment and recovery with the knowledge my job is safe. I actually rang my super company again and I have been assessed as eligible to access a lump sum payment which takes a lot of stress off.

    Next AC is next Tuesday. One of the girls from work is taking leave to sit with me. Lord help the Chemo room cos we were always getting into trouble together at work! Hope you are all doing well on this tumultuous journey.

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Sounds like a well thought out and sensible decision @TabooGal. So good that your super has been able to facilitate you being able to put yourself first.

    Now here's a weird sentence to write: have fun at chemo! K xox
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @TabooGal glad you are hanging in there and so glad you have a supportive work place and that you have been able to access some super.  I was lucky that I had never really been sick prior to this so had about 3 months of sick leave saved up so was able to just work minimally and still get paid.  Such a weight off you mind and you can just concentrate on yourself xoxox
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Ah it's good to keep the chemo staff entertained..... 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Being sensible can be a bit disappointing sometimes Jen, but it is the right thing to do. Well done for making an informed decision which will take some pressure off you. Mxx