Found Travel insurance that Is covering me for BC.
Hi Everyone, This is my first post here. I've recently been diagnosed with BC. Before I was diagnosed hubby had planned a surprise trip for our 25th wedding anniversary to Sri Lanka, Maldives and Singapore which he had to tell me about once we knew I had BC. I was devastated thinking I wouldn't be able to go but it looks…
Not just BC
Hi all, When I was first diagnosed with BC last October, I made the decision to look for the smallest silver linings in each day to help me get through the overwhelming challenges I have to face in 2018.....6 months of chemo, surgery, 12 weeks of radiation, hormone treatments. Add to that, a 13 year old son with autism who…
A blood test to detect breast cancer
Very interesting article: http://www.smh.com.au/national/major-breakthrough-as-researchers-develop-blood-test-for-eight-common-cancers-20180118-h0kmdv.html
Recent Research on Chemotherapy For Triple Negative Breast Cancer
I was wondering if anyone knew how to access the recent research from Europe which advises that women who only had 6 cycles of chemo only survived up to 5 years after original diagnosis and women who had 8 cycles of chemo survived 10 years plus? I'm trying to get a copy of this research to read as my oncologist has told me…
Choosing reconstruction group - help
I'm not sure who moderates the "Choosing breast reconstruction group". I tried yesterday and today to apply to join but the OK button doesn't seem to work - either that or someone has received about 10 applications from me!
Tattoos after reconstruction
After finally finishing my reconstruction ,9 surgeries, on both breasts, I decided I wanted to tattoo over some of the scars. I know that a lot of women want nipple tattoos and a lot wait until Vinnie comes over from USA because he is one of the best. However, Jackson May from Youngbloods Tattoo in Rockingham ,WA is one of…
16/1/18 Sparkles Birthday Today!!!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday wish to you @Sparkles on your birthday today!!! So Sorry that this wish is coming to you sooooo very late at night. Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, enjoyment, excitement, fulfilment, awesomeness and cake!!!! Hope your day has been truly sensational. Xx Cath
Reconstructive surgery
Hi, I had DCIS and a mastectomy in June. It hadn't spread so all good. I will be having another mastectomy for preventative reasons and my surgeon said I could do reconstruction at the same time. He referred me to Dr Kane in Brisbane to discuss this. He talked me through tram and tug flap surgery and expander/implant…
hi when u have a mastecomy for DCIS do you need to go on hormone tablets? Do you get the lymph nodes out? I get to see the doctor Thursday still trying to get my head around this. Thank u
Long term survivors
hi hoping to hear of some stories of long term survivors friends or family,ten ,twenty,thirty ,40 years . I find it is very inspiring.
What happens if I cannot trust my Oncologist?
I went into the cancer centre I normally have my treatments for my 8th Paclitaxel on Tuesday, I told the receptionist that I wished to see my Oncologist before my treatment, she then told me that my Oncologist was taking a 4-week holiday now. I almost broke down and tried very hard to hold my tears in the waiting room. The…
News article about BRCA carriers and research.
The perks of chemo!
This post was suggested by a friend of mine so I thought I’d put it out there and see what everyone says. No one wants to be on here and we all have plenty to whinge about with this shitty thing that is breast cancer all totally understandable and justified but I thought I’d list some perks feel free to add to it xx 1. You…
Last Chemo today! It’s true the journey gets easier as time goes by.
Well what a whirlwind 5 months. I am 39yrs & was diagnosed with triple neg, grade3 BC in August 17 and had a lumpectomy 3 days after diagnosis with clear margins & 0/4 lymphnodes. I have since has 3 rounds of FEC and 3 rounds of Docetaxel 3weeks apart. Last one this morning! Woo hoo, open the bubbles!!!! I remember joining…
Winning the booby prize!
Hi lovelies, I have started a new facebook group. I've been tossing this idea round for a while and finally sat down to do it. As there was a bit of a discussion the other day about the word "Journey" and some more comical names thrown around, one being the "my Journey kit" should be renamed the booby prize, that's what I…