Lisa Janelle
Member Posts: 45 ✭
hi when u have a mastecomy for DCIS do you need to go on hormone tablets? Do you get the lymph nodes out? I get to see the doctor Thursday still trying to get my head around this. Thank u
hi Lisa Janelle, I am sure others who have had DCIS will answer you. it is hard when you are first diagnosed and trying to get your head around everything ... it all depends on pathology reports and what they find.
Are you taking someone with you on Thursday ? it is a good idea as we often are overwhelmed by all the information that having a support person there helps they can ask questions write down answers etc.
some links if you dont already have themDo you have a Breast Care Nurse? the link below will help you find one.
My Journey Kits and other resources. have you got a MY Journey Kit or ordered one yet the link below takes you to the page to order one.
Knitted knockers Australia
Breathe and take it one step at a time.
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Hi Lisa Janelle
Often a sentile node biopsy is carried out prior to surgery to determine lymph node involvement
This will inform the surgeon to remove theses nodes they are then tested
Also final results after removal will determine need for hormone treatment if results indicate you are hormone positive
For me two nodes were removed and they did not test positive for cancer spread....so I did not need further therapy..
It is only days after surgery and final results come back can then surgeon indicate need for further treatment.
Hope that all goes well
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Hi, I don't have DCIS but my experience is a partial with sentinel nodes. The results from the biopsy indicated that there were no clear margins on the tumour and that 3 of the 5 nodes were involved. I then had to go back for a full mastectomy and axillary dissection (where the surgeon took a whole bunch of nodes from under the armpit). As @brightspace said, the biopsy also gives a clear indication of hormone status. For me, this showed a greater number on the progesterone + side than the original core biopsy indicated, and gave the HER status as well.0
Hi Lisa
Please read back through our personal communications of last month for details.
Yes, they will do the dye pre-surgery and remove lymph nodes (at least the sentinel node) for checking.
Yes, they will recommend Tamoxifen or other depending on your circumstances.
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Hi Lisa Janelle.
They definitely will take a few sentinel nodes during mastectomy.
Unfortunately, you will not know for sure if DCIS has spread outside the ducts until they do the pathology after your mastectomy. That will guide the treatment path. Until then they cannot tell you anything definite about the treatment.
It is a step by step thing so be guided by what the doctors tell you at each stage.
I had a very large, 7cm pure DCIS. I had a right skin sparing mastectomy. I had immediate recon and 2 lymph nodes out.
The nodes were clear. (HOORAY)
I did not need any radiation, or any chemo as cancer cells had not spread out of the breast duct. It was pure DCIS which is stage 0.
I was not prescribed any hormone treatment because even tho my DCIS was very large and Estrogen positive it was stage 0.
I Was in perimenopause, still having periods.
I was told they do not generally prescribe hormone therapy after mastectomy for pure DCIS stage 0 as cancer cells did not spread outside breast duct, and no breast tissue remains after mastectomy so chance of getting recurrence is very low, and chance of getting a new cancer in the other breast is the same as the general population.
They will be doing extra surveillance during the next 5 years, yearly ultrasound, mammograms and MRI in my case. They say the extra surveillance is all that is needed after pure DCIS.
I do not need to have any other treatment just need a nipple recon or tattoo now. All covered under Medicare.
I am in QLD in Public System.
I hope all goes well at the doctor and wish you all the best.
Vicki xx
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This is a great site that explains options. Of course your surgeon will explain what you will be having or expected to have. Each person, cancer is unique to some extent.