23/6/18 Shaylls' Birthday Today!!!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday wish to you Shaylee @Shaylls for your birthday today!! Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, warmth, beauty, excitement and cake. Hope your day is filled with all kinds of sunshine!! Xx Cath
No more dogs
The end of an era has come. On Friday we said goodbye to our last dog Nitro. He was almost 17 years old. I miss him but sort of not since he was blind and used to poo in the house if we didn't get him outside quick enough. I can go to the loo by myself without a dog escort now. I can go for a walk on the beach without…
21/6/18 Joeyliz's Birthday today!!!
Sending a huge Happy Birthday wish to you @JoeyLiz on your birthday today!!! Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, warmth, beauty, excitement and delicious cake! Hope your day has been spectacular!! Xx Cath
Sexual Wellbeing After Breast cancer (SWAB) study
i everyone, Just in case you're in Melbourne and interested in this study - I've heard about this a couple of times on the radio. "The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of the hormone testosterone used intravaginally on the symptoms of vaginal dryness, itch or pain affecting sexual wellbeing in women with…
Pain week 4 post surgery
Hey there I had a wid local excision, lumpectomy and breast reduction. Its week.4.post surgery and i just wonder when the pain will go. Underarm pain is fine but the breasts still sore. They are healing well and not bleeding but gahhh I'm over it. Starting chemo Monday too. Love to all xx TRIKKI2
private insurance
Hi, not sure but did someone comment that their private health provider wasn't going to let them claim on fat transfer / grafting costs but then after discussion said they could claim on their private health insurance? not sure where I read this, maybe it was on the 'reclaim your curves' website. I will check them out as…
how long til I can drive & function properly after expander to implant exchange
Hi, sorry to post this question, but my surgeon said after 1 week I was fine to do anything. It's been 3 weeks & I tried a simple drive 2day not extending arms & feeding steering wheel thru my hands rather than turning properly, seemed to aggravate my chest pain. My surgeon cldn't explain my chest pain on friday, didn't…
Go Pink
So happy I have managed to raise $1100 for the Breast Cancer Foundation and the Go Pink fundraiser - not a huge amount but if any of it can help another woman its worth it.
19/6/18 Decarney's Birthday Today!!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday wish to you @DeCarney on your birthday today!!!! Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, merriment, warmth, beauty and cake. Hope your day is amazing. Xx Cath
18/6/18 Kirstydee's Birthday Today and Tonight!!!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday wish to @Kirstydee for your birthday today/tonight!! Wishing you love, laughter, frivolity, mirth, excitement, beauty, and cake. Hoping your day has been truly spectacular!! Xx Cath
No compassion from telecoms provider
I decided to cancel my landline phone to save money - given the additional costs related to having cancer - and just keep my mobile. Rang my provider today - yes, The Big T. I have landline, internet and mobile with them. Told the wee girl why I wanted to cancel landline. No word of "Sorry to hear that." She launched into…
swelling of the hand and arm
Hi Just wondering if anyone has experience or advice about the swelling of my arm, should I be worried, I saw the onc last week and she sent me for an scan to make sure not a blood clot, she said just fluids, I haven't had surgery yet so my lymph nodes are still there under arm, I have to finish my chemo treatment first…
16/6/18 Belated GerryB's Birthday Yesterday!!!
Sending a Huge BELATED Happy Birthday Wish to you Gerry @Gerryb for your birthday yesterday (so sorry it's a late birthday wish but hoping that this means you'll be celebrating longer!!). Hoping you had love, laughter, happiness,anticipation, excitement, festivities, warmth, beauty and cake. Hope your day was totally…
Itchy Scalp Any Ideas to stop Scratching.
New here, 2nd cycle A.C. Day 9 , can't sleep my scalp is irritating me , Ever since it's come out in chunks its become irritable. I'm tempted to just scratch it but don't. Any tips. It's cold and I prefer to wear a beanie maybe it's the material?
Wobbly nearing the end of active treatment
19 days ago I had my bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction, last Friday I saw the oncologist, yesterday I saw the plastic surgeon and today I saw my breast surgeon. At the end of the appointment he said see you in six months. Right from the start I always knew that this time was going to be a challenge for me. That when…