sore cold implants
Hi everyone, I had my tissue expanders replaced with silicone gel implants & find that they are very cold, is this normal? My surgery was a month ago, not sure if it changes with time? Wldn't think so. Thanks in advance
Lost it!
At the hospital for my appointment to sort out rads. Got sent to the wrong waiting room. By the time I was directed to the right place (and found my way through the maze that is the new hospital), the tears were flowing uncontrollably and are still threatening to return. Now waiting for a CT scan that I didn't know I had…
New Fact Sheets - New Workplace Supports for People Affected by Breast Cancer
What a wonderful resource. I am so delighted to see these issues being dealt with as they are part and parcel of this journey. Unfortunately every bit as debilitating and stressful to one's health as the disease itself. I can't tell you how much comfort this would have given me if available when I was working. Even though…
Treatment calculators
Dear all, methinks we all need a bit of empowerment. Here are two sites freely available on the net, you can type your BC details in, age etc, then the system will calculate survival etc in various time frames, with or without chemo. These are not gimmicks. They are used by oncologists, for example my (Associate professor)…
Micro Disectomy after BC Reco!
So after last chemo my L5 S1 disc bulged giving me with severe sciatic pain. I battled many therapies including traction with some relief for several months with slight improvement. But still very painful. I think the chemo helped bring it on and so I lost some core strength ending up with this just to add to the BC…
Has anyone else got fingernail Lichen Planus?
i developed oral Lichen Planus (LP) shortly after finishing chemo and radio. It flares from time to time, and can be very painful. Fortunately I have a specialist dentist and treatment which helps. But I now have got fingernail LP, which is horrible. It is like chemo fingernails. They split, flake and recede. My…
Hi everyone, I mentioned this on another post but thought it deserved it's own discussion. While I'm sure that everyone has examined their Super benefits, I heard of a new one recently. I was talking to a group of women about income protection and one of them mentioned that her Super has a trauma clause. Apparently, she is…
Donations - tax deductibility, Annual Reports?
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Mammogram vacuum assisted biopsy
I had this procedure on the advice of Breast Screen before diagnosis. Haven't heard much about others having it. It wasn't pleasant.
I were first diagnosed in 2011 and had lumpectomy followed by chemo and radiation I then had a local recurrence in 2015 and had a double masectomy and reconstruction followed by more chemo and then daily letrozole tablet I have just been diagnosed with another local recurrence in my reconstructed breast I have had surgery…
Introduction: Hello
Hi, This is my first time on here and I guess I should introduce myself. I am a breast cancer survivor who has been cancer free for the last 10 years. Yep, its great as I am around to seem my children grow up. I was diagnosed back in 2008 with hormone positive breast cancer that I found myself, just short of my 41st…
What to do with my collection of caps, beanies and do rags?
Hi all, I have finished most of my treatment and my hair is growing back. During the course of treatment I accumulated lots of head coverings particularly cotton do rags, skull caps with scarves and headbands and some beanies. I am wondering if anyone has any advice about where I could donate these particularly in…
23/6/18 Shaylls' Birthday Today!!!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday wish to you Shaylee @Shaylls for your birthday today!! Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, warmth, beauty, excitement and cake. Hope your day is filled with all kinds of sunshine!! Xx Cath
No more dogs
The end of an era has come. On Friday we said goodbye to our last dog Nitro. He was almost 17 years old. I miss him but sort of not since he was blind and used to poo in the house if we didn't get him outside quick enough. I can go to the loo by myself without a dog escort now. I can go for a walk on the beach without…
21/6/18 Joeyliz's Birthday today!!!
Sending a huge Happy Birthday wish to you @JoeyLiz on your birthday today!!! Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, warmth, beauty, excitement and delicious cake! Hope your day has been spectacular!! Xx Cath