Gold Coast support group
I have travelled up to the Gold Coast from Melbourne to be with my immediate family whilst undergoing radiotherapy. This finished last week, yay, and will be here for a few weeks recovering. I would like to meet and connect with others who have gone through treatment as I'd like to make some new friends whilst I am here.
Wig and hair accessories for sale??
Hi everyone, I'm just wondering if there is a thread or category on here where you can post items for sale? Thanks in advance, Rachael.
Blessed breast!
I am sitting here feeling like a breast cancer fraud. No pain, very little fuss, and it looks like no chemo. Whaaaat? I hear you say, but it's true. I have a blessed breast! I had a tiny little cancer, 9.6mm. It was HER2 negative, oestrogen positive. So I'll have to have radio therapy, in about 6 weeks, and some hormone…
Newly Diagnosed and overwhelmed
I have my treatment plan in place and im full of anxiety over it, i no so far its contained and it hasnt spread to organs, going for bone scan this week, mri and to have a clip put in. Petrified of Chemotherapy and how it will effect me. If anyone could calm my nerves i would love to chat
My article
Hello ladies, I am presenting at my professions international conference in Adelaide later this month so they decided to do a lead up article. I thought I would share. Sorry the photo is on it's side and I look terrible in the photo!
Cutting your hair after scalp cooling
Hi Ladies, I'm having my last scalp cooling soon and I'm just wondering how long you would wait before having a trim. I've been shedding throughout with breakage here and there but still have shoulder length hair. Would love some advice? Lissie.
Wearing post surgery bra after masectomy then reconstruction ?
Hi, I just came out of hospital 2 days ago after a right breast masectomy and reconstruction with implant. My left breast also had a small implant too. I had high grade dcis in my right breast. I am very confused about wearing a post surgery bra as I only had the berlei bra sent to me at home and saw a breast care once…
Single and still dealing with the complications of breast reconstruction and radiation
Hi I’m seeking insight and any comparative stories from any other women that have suffered from having complications with their reconstruction. After having a reconstruction 12 months ago following 6 months of chemo and 6 weeks of radiation I have just had to have my implant on the radiated breast removed. My…
Preparing for Surgery - Quote_Queen_67
Quote_Queen_67OK, so I now have a date for surgery - 20th March, which is soon. Feeling good that it's sooner rather than later but apprehensive too. Realising I won't feel the same when I come out on the other side. Trying not to be a control freak about it all, but can't help planning. Bought some new pyjamas! Wondering…
Whats happening in Choosing Breast Reconstruction
Hi girls for those who are members of our group and haven't been over lately I thought I would pop a reminder in to pop over and offer some support if you can. These are the most recent topics. We have a member looking for info about surgeons who may specialize in post reconstruction complications that have left her with…
Are you childless ?
Some new members may not know there is a private Group on this site specifically for childless people. There are times when childless members have issues which are specific to people who do not have kids so perhaps you would like to join and chat to others who have been or are going through the same struggles as you.…
Digestion Issues Post Chemo
Hi everyone, just looking for some advice on how to naturally deal with digestion problems. I have been taking Somac since this whole palaver of BC started but stopped about 5 weeks ago. I find I am still going back to it at least 3 or 4 times a week again. A lot of burping and a little bloating and the last couple of days…
Podcast for the medical fraternity
There are two other discussions about BCNA creating podcasts for patients, but what I'd really like to see is a podcast aimed specifically at the young medical students, interns and registrars. They seem to stumble around, trying to develop a bedside manner with little guidance as to how to behave. Unfortunately, they seem…
Support group torquay
hi ladies just wondering if there is a local support group in/near Torquay? I received a lot of support at my current one so would definately be keen to join a new one
Numb & painful arm post axillary dissection
hi! At the beginning of Aug I had a lumpectomy, reduction & lift and sentinel node biopsy. I recovered really well from it but the biopsy showed cancer in the sentinel node so last week I had an axillary node clearance. Under arm is numb - which is weird but ok. But the skin between my elbow and under arm feels super…