Preparing for Surgery - Quote_Queen_67

SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
edited March 2019 in General discussion
OK, so I now have a date for surgery - 20th March, which is soon. Feeling good that it's sooner rather than later but apprehensive too. Realising I won't feel the same when I come out on the other side. Trying not to be a control freak about it all, but can't help planning. Bought some new pyjamas! Wondering how else I can best prepare for surgery and the days after?


  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    this was on the activity board where not many people go so I have posted it here so that QuoteQueen67 gets some answers. 

  • Makday
    Makday Member Posts: 17
    @Quote_Queen_67,  hi, I had my surgery Thursday, was told 3/4 days in hospital, but home yesterday. 
    I had a segmental mastectomy, top left of left breast invasive lobular stage 2,  with reconstruction from same breast, it was supposed to be from under my arm, but after reconsidering,  surgeon said it would be easier to go from under my breast instead. I feel pretty good, painful but manageable. 
    I luckily had my own room, took my Samsung tablet, kindle, my pillow from home, and pillow from breast nurse. PJs that button up are awesome, make sure they aren't tight. A surgical bra and or compression bra depending on your surgery.  Start taking some laxatives before you go in, and continue them after. 
    I took some cordial, water can get boring especially with a dry mouth, I also took body/baby wipes and face wipes, very handy, some mints to suck on were good too.  Slip on slippers, something you don't need to bend over to put on are very handy.
    The time goes pretty quickly, the staff were all excellent. I have the wait now for results and what treatment is to follow, but I am feeling much better to have the cancer removed and I am ready for the next step. 
    Hope this helps.
  • Quote_Queen_67
    Quote_Queen_67 Member Posts: 11
    So helpful!  All the best for some awesome results and a complete recovery!
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Load ebooks/ e audiobooks  on your tablets available thru your local library.I enjoyed listening to Bruce Springsteen read his autobiography even though I’m not a huge fan.I like music so my kids loaded 1000 songs on my mobile phone.Take ear plugs though.

    Also the little pillow that you wear  like a shoulder bag that the nurse should give you is wonderful to keep pressure of your arm off the wound.

    Re bras I wish someone told me about ah bras/ sports bras .I bought a post op bra from Target - no wire is important- and you should  be offered a free Berlei post op bra..The ah/ sports bras I still wear 2 years later as so comfortable.They are cheap to buy and are available KMart , Target , Best and Less etc

    If constipation is an issue possibly due to the analgesics they will give you try Movicol sachets from the Chemist- they are very gentle and effective.