recovery and life
It has been a week since my surgery for the lumpectomy and node removal. Funny enough, I was not nervous. I went into surgery calm and with the attitude - I am in good hands. Surgery took a bit longer because I found out today they got a rather nasty surprise.....the lump measured 8.5 cm or 85mm instead of the 2.5 cm they…
Telehealth follow up
Hi, I’m feeling pretty anxious about not being to visit my oncologist and radiologist in person for my first follow up appointments later this month. I completely understand why, but I’m just worried that it’s harder to see if things are ok, and to check for signs of cancer returning, over the phone. I thought that…
Friday Update From The Roller Coaster!
While I sit here at the top of my Roller Coaster, with my ear phones belting out Hot Chocolate's "You Sexy Thing", I thought I would update the week that was.... I have even handed over the Remote Control to the Hubby....He has been watching some monotonous toned show about some equally monotonously boring hypothetical…
Who’s heard of Kinetic Physiology to control pain?
I think we can all relate to ‘Gary’s’ story .... our pain levels are not necessarily 'believed' or we are just told to 'put up with it.' https://kineticmedicine.com.au/kinetic-medicine-blog/2020/2/1/garys-story I have not tried this - but if you have - let us know how you went? (I am currently not in that much pain, due to…
Young Women's Group
Hi all I've started a little introduction thread over in the Young Women's Group as I'm trying to make it a little more interactive so us young women can make some new connections and to let you all know I'm here (as well as other members) to help support you and answer any questions you might have specific to age during a…
HI - I take Femara and work in a school - when they are open.. Do I have an increased risk of contracting the virus?? Thank you again for being able to connect with everyone.
Happy Birthday @Sally_AS for the 4th April!
Dear @Sally_AS We all wish you a very Happy Birthday! Have a lovely day <3
Anyone else in limbo?
Hi guys, I’m sure many of you are in the same boat and wondering what you have been advised. I have had a lumpectomy on my right breast and had 5 months of dense dose chemo for a triple neg grade 3 cancer. I was supposed to start radiation treatment in early Jan, but my surgeon wanted to wait for my genetic test results so…
Covid19 and breast cancer
It's been two years since I had a baseline bone density scan (DEXA) and I had a date booked for my next one. They sent me a text message a couple of weeks ago to say it's has been indefinitely postponed due to Covid19. After finally working up the strength to sort out my revision and nipple surgery I was booked in for 24th…
Recommendations Medical Oncologists Sydney?
Hi All I am on the search for a medical oncologist in Sydney to review my continued treatment post surgery and RT. Ideally I am hoping to find someone who is empathetic, patient and doesn’t mind being asked a lot of questions. I would love to hear from anyone who is happy to recommend based on their, or someone they…
Happy birthday wishes to @Pinkkittykat for 2nd April!
Dear @Pinkkittykat Wishing you the happiest of Birthdays!
Creative ways to stay connected
Hello everyone, In these challenging times of social distancing as a result of COVID-19, I was wondering how our members plan to stay connected with family, friends and loved ones. We have all had to make changes to our daily living and routines. Im hoping that we can share some tips or ideas with each other that will help…
Wishing @lilymax84 a very Happy Birthday for 31st March!
Dear @lilymax84 We wish you a very happy Birthday for today - 31st March. We hope that you have a lovely day xoxo Best wishes <3
A very Happy Birthday to @Isaidso and @cranky_granny for 30th March!
Wishing @Isaidso and @cranky_granny a very happy Birthday We hope that you have a lovely day! <3 Have a great day xoxo
Happy Birthday to @Mattyboy for 29th March!
Wishing you the happiest of Birthday's @MattyBoy - have a wonderful day! <3