recovery and life

Member Posts: 43 ✭
It has been a week since my surgery for the lumpectomy and node removal. Funny enough, I was not nervous. I went into surgery calm and with the attitude - I am in good hands. Surgery took a bit longer because I found out today they got a rather nasty surprise.....the lump measured 8.5 cm or 85mm instead of the 2.5 cm they thought it was going to be. In their words "it was angry". With my slightly dark sense of humour - all I thought was "you would be angry too if someone came and threw you out of your comfortable home!" However, i know that 'angry' is not a good phrase in medical terms.
The nodes biopsy hauled out 5 and 4 came back positive with the 5th showing signs of being 'annoyed'...clearly another medical term for "Not happy Jan!'
This afternoon, I am being 'rushed' in for a full body cat scan and on Monday a bone scan is to be done. The medical team were hoping for both scans to be done tomorrow so they could have the results to be back for the conference being held prior to our meeting Monday afternoon. Alas, they will only have the CT scan.
The doctor was truly fantastic in her delivery of how things had gone and she gave me time to try and catch my breath again.
Once we had finished talking, my Breast Care Nurse called and confirmed the appointments, requirements for them and then asked the important questions - "How are you feeling??" - shell shocked again but to be honest, I had a 'feeling' that there would be more to come.
So, come Monday - a new ball game will begin and this time the team and I will be going in to win the game!
Oh yes by the way - the scars have healed amazingly. had 1 really rough day out which had me in tears, I found as long as me and my new best friend - my little u-shaped pillow go everywhere together - I am comfortable.
Hope you are all coping with the lock-downs and life is throwing you giggles, chuckles and laughter.
Lois xx
Best wishes @LoisLois for speedy and good results. I had a lot of ‘irritated’ lymph nodes - all removed but biopsies post-op indicated that only the known, pre-op biopsied, one was malignant. The rest were just reacting to the one malignant node. So fingers crossed your ‘annoyed’ node is the same. I am so amazed at all of you coping with diagnosis and treatment AND a pandemic! Power to you all.
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@Afraser - 'power to us all' indeed! Having adjusted to a new reality, aka, the roller coaster ride that is BC we are all adjusting to another new reality - I have an image of those Russian nesting dolls and feel as though I can identify with Alice as she went through the Looking Glass. By contrast this forum is GOLD! I had to have a small procedure last week and it threw me off kilter. @LoisLois make sure you stay in touch, many of us have been through the scanning procedures but maybe not in the midst of a pandemic. At the risk of sounding trite we are in this together! xxxxxxx
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Hang in there. Similar story to me - lumpectomy, nodes out - nasty surprises, in for full body CT and bone scan, back for mastectomy and full axilla clearance. I too felt there was more coming so wasn’t surprised.Hope you can get it all done with the pandemic that’s really mucking things up. Best wishes xx2
thank you ladies. your words of encouragement are truly awesome!thankfully, i put myself into lockdown before it was officially advocated due to no immune system. So, I am now used to the quietness of our little bubble - I have also taken over
control of the remote control, from my husband who has been driving me
insane with endless four wheel driving you tube videos (poor guy is in
withdrawals). He got told go and talk to your Mistress (his
trusty patrol) in the garage". Jamie and Claire Fraser are on Netflix
and we have a date!!When Jamie, Claire and I aren't galloping through the wilds of Scotland and Virginia - I like reading, doing creative projects or organising the story lines to a series of Children's books I was in the middle of writing before Brian and the Lymph Nodes Band came to town.The day I found out that the lump on my chest wall was BC, the song from The Life of Brian (Always look on the bright side of life) kept replaying over and over in my head right up to the day I went into surgery! So I decided to call the lump - Brian! told you my sense of humour was slightly dark! The night before surgery - all four of my kids face timed me and we all raised a glass to Brian and his Lymph Node band as they ended their final concert together. It provided a tangible relief to the family and a way to farewell that part of the journey.Prior to leaving the hospital, I did ask IF there was a possibility of more surgery would it happen or be delayed. I was assured that surgeries would not be held off . It will be interesting to see what the team say on Monday and how swift things will begin to occur.I did the CT scan today - only uncomfortable part was having to extend my left and right arms over my head - the raw and fresh scars from surgery (my left) and several prior dislocations (my right) were stretched to the point of shedding tears...both arms protested by then full locking into that position which brought more tears as I needed help to unlock them to be able to move.To be honest, I am now dreading the Bone scan on Monday for that exact reason...however it needs to be done. I will just deal with the arms afterwards.i sincerely hope you are all doing okay during lockdown and all the limitations it has brought to us all. Keep smiling ladies - your words of support are a true blessing to every single one of us.Big hugsLois.
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Lois, tell the person positioning you for your bone scan about your surgery - when I had mine they positioned my arms in a place I could cope with and supported them with bands so I didn’t have to hold them there. I was quite comfortable.Loing your attitude and humour. Hope it all goes well for you xx5
YOU HAVE TAKEN CONTROL OF THE REMOTE!!!!! There had to be gold somewhere in our new reality. I agree with @ddon and when you have the bone scan tell them that you were in a lot of pain because of surgery. Would it be ok to take a couple of Panadol about half an hour prior to scan? XXXXXXX
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All the best with your scans, @LoisLois - Gosh, you've really been on a bumpy ride so far! Keep that great attitude & sense of humour going - as it comes in handy when you might feel down. We have a couple of 'Funnies' posts .... jump on there for a laugh and add your own as well! We are a pretty whacky lot - but a good laugh really helps.
Don't forget there is the Helpline here to ring as well, if you want someone else to chat to - or just vent right here & there are sympathetic ears (who've been thru it themselves) to listen xx
haha Well done on taking control of the remote - I did that YEARS ago! Hubby hasn't got a clue what is on - so I 'guide him' - anyway he usually falls asleep on the couch after dinner, so doesn't 'see it' anyway! LOL
Take care, stay well xx3 -
I too had a bone scan and ct scan 5 days after my lumpectomy but the breast care nurse said it was usually requested so the doctors knew exactly what was happening and there were no surprises. After the ct scan I was sent to have an ultrasound on my liver but not told why, apparently all was ok. But I was petrified they’d found something else. During the bone scan I was asked if I’ve ever had an operation on my nose (no) and they did an extra one on it. I haven’t found out what that was all about. Asked the surgeon, he had no idea. For the bone scan I had to put my arms behind my head and I moved my fingers every time the machine moved.
Good luck on Monday xx3 -
Just to say I am sending every good wish to you @LoisLois.
I love your sense of humour and I must say I think humour helps us on our journey.
We all have our cries or down time, but hopefully not for long, and we pick up that remote again!
Thinking of you for next week and keep posting, we are here for you!
xx4 -
Hi @LoisLois, I have found your posts so inspirational - thank you for demonstrating such a positive attitude and good humour. Am not surprised you are a writer, you have an obvious gift. Anyway, I wanted to wish you all best for Monday xx PS. my mates Grace and Frankie have been my go to of escapism!5
You are
from jennyss in Westerrn NSW3 -
Take care @LoisLois, I love your sense of humour, I think it really does aid your recovery too. xox0