Field of Women 2014
Thank you to everyone involved in the organisation of this year's FOW event - my first. It was a great priviledge to be there with my son. Amazing to see so many people, sponsors and BCNA partnerships achieving so much. Our Pink Lady really set the MCG a-glow! There were so many inspiring moments during the ceremony - full…
I have returned to work. I am a real estate agent. I will only get paid when I have earned the money and sold some property that has settled. It usually takes between 120 to 150 days. In the interim, there is a lot of preparation needing to be done to get me back in the mix. I have been back 6 days and it has been very…
An update - Radiation, a wedding, a Field of Women, and other stuff
Hi everyone, just checking in as it's been a while since I've come on here or shared anything. April was a busy and emotional month for me, chemo is all done, but I had to get the news that my lovely nanna does in fact have cancer (melanoma on the lung) - she is calling me her inspiration, even though I’ve told her I’m…
Income Protection Insurance Claim.
As my new top level Chemobrain challenge, I am trying to work out how to lodge my Income Protection Insurance claim as a self-employed person. My GP and surgeon and oncologist filled in the relevant form a couple of months ago. But in addition, I have to prove my business income and expenditure for the exact year from…
Mother's Day
Tomorrow is my first Mother's Day without my Mum....and I've been feeling emotional and weepy thinking about her and the past year. April 2013 I celebrated my 50th birthday....July had the first of my mammograms where it was discovered "something" was going on. Late July, flew to Ireland for a month to celebrate our…
Dealing with unsupportive relatives
What is the best way to deall with close relatives who fail to offer any meaningful care or support or even understanding about breast cancer.? Initially in January, I received two emails from my Kiwi sister Elli that included the following added messages from my wealthy 90yr old Mum who is so profoundly deaf she cannot…
What a year!
Last Mother's Day I was waiting to hear from my surgeon about the results of my breast biopsies. She had already told me that she was certain that it was cancer but depending on whether an area of calcification was DCIS or not I would be having either a lumpectomy or mastectomy. Somehow I managed to get through a morning…
May Consumer Representative Training
Hi everyone, We’re very excited you’ll be joining us at the end of May for our Science & Advocacy Consumer Representative training! We have created this group for those of you who may wish to get in touch with the other new and current Consumer Representatives who will also be attending the training. Hopefully, you've now…
Putting my 50th on hold...
Yes I am going to stay 50 for as long as it takes this demon to leave my body... In 24 days I will be turning 50 but that' just not going to happen.. I am putting it on hold.. Bali will wait for me I am sure... My progress so far... The IDC has turned into ILC 4cm(ER/PR+ HER2+) and 1.6cm (ER/PR+ HER2-).. the Sentinal Node…
To my husband
I just want to make a public shout out to my husband. What an amazing man. He has had to take on looking after the little man and me and he also has to go through the grieving of losing a breast too. To think 19 days ago we were just normal people going to work and living a normal life with 2 boobs! He will never read this…
Field of woman
A few ladies from the sth east and bayside group will be be participating in the field of woman , we will also be there for the ones that can't make it, we feel privileged That we can do this . Hope to catch up with some of the other ladies to. Adean
Thank you
So I went in for my Mastectomy last night. After quite some deliberation and talking with doctors, no one could see any other option. With such a large amount and DCIS and no way to confirm any had got out of the duct i decided "this breast is not my friend!" And basically I want the cancer GONE. So here I am. I am also…
I am now one of the 15,000!
Greetings to all, I will be standing on the MCG at Field of Women on 10 May 2014! The reason I am standing, is that I am now one of the 15,000 women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year! I have recently joined a club (age 42), that I never thought I'd be in. I am still recovering from a mastectomy and…
Thanks to MLE59 and Robyn W
Thanks for your support ladies, still trying to work out this online bit along with everything else. Did message you, not sure if you received or not, so just wanted to let you know I very much appreciate your replies. I know there is light at the end of this tunnel, just gets a tad dim at times.
Funny story
Hi, I posted a blog some time ago about a patient at the hospital who mistakenly thought my partner was my son even though my partner is 4 years older than me! I thought it was humerous, couldn't see the sense in being offended. Well, it happened again. When I was in hospital a nurse was talking to me and I didn't really…