Mother's Day
In anticipation for the weekend. My best wishes to all Mums out there and spend quality time in good company of all your dear ones. Richard
Is There Any body out there
Hi just wondered if there any other community liaisons in the mansfield /benalla/euroa/wangaratta/ yea/ seymour areas. ????
Community work
well friday 29th i did i talk about bcna and the kits available to a group of nurses in the area and they were very interested in the kits and my talk about my own experience.. then in the arvo had amanda spillaire talk to survivors and those still having treatment about body image/sexuality and life after cancer. i also…
1st speaking role
Last night I had my first speaking role on behalf of BCNA. I attended a staff meeting at my local Bakers Delight, very last minute, I was called yesterday afternoon. They wanted to know what their fundraising efforts would go toward and how it affects people like me. I took my journey kit sample and spoke very informally…
walk for a cure!
https://s.eventarc.com/sponsor/view/49358/merylee-punchard This is a link to my sponsoring page for the 4km Mother's Day walk to raise money for Breast Cancer Research. You can sponsor me or tell your friends about the link. I dont expect much, but I thought hey I found out about the walk on this website and I wouldnt be…
Mother's Day Classic
Hi Ladies!! I am taking part in this years Mother's Day Classic (May 8) by walking 4km and raising vital funds for breast cancer research. Every extra dollar i raise thru fundraising goes towards vital research into the prevention and cure of breast cancer. I will be participating along with 100,000 Australians nationwide…
Please read - I need your help to achieve something fantastic
Dear All, Below is an introduction to a collection of stories I want to collate. I need your help to collate as many stories as possible. Please read my story and let as many people as you can know about what I am doing. Thank you all for your support. With love Kerryn Love Through Example Introduction When I started to…
Media Release
I have just told BCNA that I'm in the Donnybrook-Bridgetown Mail in today's issue. We have a local Newsletter here in the Greenbushes-Balingup-Mullalyup area and I just submitted the Media release. I will let you know tune in the next episode :)
Made a Contact
Yayyyy!! I made lots of contacts!!!! I went to Visitor's Centres, Recreation Centre and of course Community Resource Centre!!! Left some posters and resources at some of the centres. Sending all list now to BCNA so they can send the resources directly to them for display. For the last 2 days, I have introduced myself to…
CL Training, Melbourne
I have just returned home from the Breast Cancer Networks Community Liasion training in Melbourne. I am very excited to get out there in the community and be able to make a difference. I have already put up posters in my local nursing home and the local call centre that my mum works at and that is just the beginning. I…
Raelenes birthday
Hi guys, I have just registered my interest to attend Raelenes birthday on 1st July.If any of our group is interested we may be able to get a table togehter. to register interest go to events tab. I am not sure at this stage how we organise to be at the same table. Looking forward to this, it would be a great way to catch…
Vote 1 for Shane Crawford
Anyone who was involved with the Shane Crawford run from Adelaide to Melbourne last year knows what an amazing feat that was. There wasn't a dry eye in the house when Shane ran back into the Channel 9 studio at the completion of his run. Channel 9 and The Footy Show currently have an online link where you can vote for the…
Sydney East Cancer Group
Wanting to announce a new online Facebook cancer support group has been set up to enable patients who live in the Sydney East (NSW Australia) area to connect with others. The aim of the group is to enable cancer patients and others touched by cancer, who live or travel to the Sydney East (NSW, Australia) area to connect.…
CL training
Oh wow what an interesting couple of days. Having met a fantastic group of women all on the same path and wavelength. I've never felt so together as this. The training was daunting at first but was easier the second day and getting out into my community and doing is going to be interesting. xxxx to all the girls I met…
Hi Every one, Have arrived back home after an exhausting but fulfilling trip to liaison training in Melbourne. I'm looking forward to getting started tomorrow, but first I have to feed the cats, unpack, do washing, water plants and ring my Mum. Tomorrow I'm going to put up a BCNA display in the waiting room of the…