AFL game Launceston June 30
Hi all, if you are able please attend the game Tassie's AFL team Hawthorn (Shane Crawford's old team) at Aurora Stadium, Launceston on 30 June 2013. Let's make a show for them, eh? Dress in Pink. Pink Guard of Honour – AFL Women’s Round-Pink Ribbon Game-Sunday 30th June, 2013 Hawthorn vs. Brisbane, Aurora Stadium…
Online network class
I am excited because tomorrow I will deliver a presentation to our Launceston Support Group members on how to utilise this site. iI have printed out information sheets and I hope they will be enthused to access this terrific aid even more afterwards! As well, one of our ladies will talk briefly on her attendance at the…
Hello fellow Tasmanians
Hello Everyone. I live in Smithton Tasmania. I am going through secondary cancer and have liver and bone mets. Thankfully I am currently having a break from chemo and everything is stable at the moment. Would be nice to keep in touch with fellow Taswegians.
I was chatting to a friend recently and telling her about the fantastic support available from BCNA. She had lost her husband to cancer and asked me how come there is so much support for Breast Cancer but not as much for other types of cancer (this isn't the first time I have heard this comment). I told her the story about…
Home At Last
Hi Girlies, finally home after being in hospital all week with neutrpenia. Felt like a bit of a fraud to be honest as I physically felt fine but my neutrophil levels were very low. I intially went to my gp last Saturday with sore a throat & was prescribed antibiotics for tonsillitis. Went back on the Monday for a follow up…
Pink Pilates
The Northern Cancer Support Centre of Launceston recently offered a 6 week free course of Pilates. Twice a week, for 50 mins, when I first began the class it took me a day and a half to recover. I loved Pilates, and not only did it enable us to exercise in safety under supervision, it also became my stress coping…
Sunday Telegraph seeking newly-diagnosed women in NSW
BCNA Media have been approached by a journalist at the Sunday Telegraph who is working on a breast cancer feature for this weekend's paper. The journalist is hoping to put together a story about four different women who are at different stages of their breast cancer journey. She is currently seeking: * a woman who has just…
Hi girls. Hope you are all travelling along reasonably ok. Just wondering if you girls are up to another get together? some possible dates: Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th, Tuesday 17th, Tuesday 24th. Perhaps if you indicate which day/days are NOT suitable we can arrive at a day that suits us all. Cheers, Julie.
Hi....is no one out there getting treatment at hoca in Brisbane????
Radio interview about breast reconstruction with plastic surgeon Dr Moradi
Hi ladies, Today I had an opportunity to chat on ABC radio Central Coast with plastic surgeon Dr Pouria Moradi about breast reconstruction. The presenter Scott Levi and his producer Caroline Perryman are keen to support my quest in making information about breast reconstruction more accessible. They are especially keen to…
Support | Connect | Grow
Hi everyone, It was an absolute pleasure to host 300 breast cancer survivors from right across Australia at our National Summit 2013 in Sydney last week. Our Summit brought together BCNA-affiliated support group leaders and BCNA Community Liaisons - representing over 180 different support groups across Australia. The theme…
BCNA member speaks out on out-of-pocket costs
BCNA member and Community Liaison Helen Williamson has spoken out about the extensive out-of-pocket costs she incurred after her breast cancer diagnosis. The article 'Out of pocket and in trouble' published in today's Age and Sydney Morning Herald newspapers tackles the issue of health affordability ahead of the 2013…
Thinking of you all
Hi girls I'm really sorry I couldn't be there for the Summit but as most of you know - Dad passed and I'm organising the funeral presently. I really hope you had a great time getting together...I'm totally spewing I couldn't be there but even without this sadness my health wasn't good enough to go. I have been to St…
A baker’s dozen years with Bakers Delight
Good Afternoon, As many of you will already know, BCNA and Bakers Delight have had a very close partnership for a number of years, and our organisation would not be where we are today without their genuine and ongoing support. This year BCNA feels honoured to mark 13 years - or a ‘baker’s dozen’ - of unwavering support…
Brazil nuts
Well I have bought my brazil nuts and am enjoying 2 per day (I did look for the Cadbury's Brazil nut block but it wasn't in the shop haha). Even my husband is going to eat them, you would be silly not to! I may eat more than the 2, as they are so yummy, and that is ok, not like over-dosing on medications and I wonder if my…