Sunday Telegraph seeking newly-diagnosed women in NSW

BCNA Media have been approached by a journalist at the Sunday Telegraph who is working on a breast cancer feature for this weekend's paper.
The journalist is hoping to put together a story about four different women who are at different stages of their breast cancer journey.
She is currently seeking:
- a woman who has just been diagnosed (within the last three months or so)
- a woman who is still undergoing active treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation
Interested women will need to live in Sydney or coastal NSW and be available for a phone interview sometime between tomorrow (Tuesday) and Thursday 29 August. They will also need to be comfortable being photographed in their home.
The story will also feature a woman who is past the 5 year milestone and also a woman who has secondary breast cancer.
If you are interested in sharing your story or know someone else who may be, please email
Four BCNA members were featured in Sunday Telegraph's story - Monica Calderwood, Louise Turner, Isabelle Shaprio and Kirsty Smith.
Read their stories online via Sunday Telegraph.
Thank you to Monica, Louise, Isabelle and Kirsty for sharing their personal experiences to raise awareness of breast cancer, and BCNA.