Pink Pilates

The Northern Cancer Support Centre of Launceston recently offered a 6 week free course of Pilates. Twice a week, for 50 mins, when I first began the class it took me a day and a half to recover. I loved Pilates, and not only did it enable us to exercise in safety under supervision, it also became my stress coping mechanism. The deep breathing, and calming music was the best form of meditation Ive ever experienced. I always left feeling on a high, happy and relaxed. After all, isnt that one of the things we crave most throughout the Cancer Experience! One of the ladies in the class is blind, has been all her life, and still enjoyed the new friendships and healthy benefits of Pilates with us. We fell inlove with her guide dog, and made new friends. Yesterday, we all stayed back with our instructor Georgie Ball Smith and thanked her, with morning tea and a farewell. The classes are normally $19 at the Fitness business she comes from. 2 of those a week = my petrol. I am truly grateful to the Cancer Council for providing one of the most important parts of my Rehabilitation Program for FREE, I think it should be availble all year round, not just for 6 weeks. I loved it! Bel McKenna
Hmm, love to try it there are loads of pilate studios were live. I normally go to boxercise but have been told I can't do any personal contact sports. That dog is so adorable too. X