5 day radiotherapy treatment
I have recently been diagnosed with low grade early stage estrogen positive breast cancer. I have had a lumpectomy and the margins and 4 nodes removed were clear. I have been offered the standard 3 week radiotherapy treatment or a 5 day targeted radiotherapy treatment which only delivers the radiation to the area of the…
Hello there Just Diagnosed
Hi everyone just thought I’d reach out to the community. Recently diagnosed with breast cancer ER/PR positive HER2 negative. 2 legions in breast. I’ve had bloods done and results of chest/abdo/pelvis ct. My surgeon sent me for a Pet scan yesterday and awaiting results as l have a nodule in my lung picked up in the CT scan.…
What books helped you? Opportunity to suggest and/or review books
Hi everyone, We are excited let you know about a new page on the BCNA website for book reviews. On this page, we will publish reviews of books that may be helpful to people affected by breast cancer. There are a number of book reviews up already, which you can have a look at here:…
It’s back
Hi everyone I recently found a lump near my mastectomy scar which after an ultrasound and FNA has shown malignant cells, is very likely to be a recurrence. I had early stage multifocal invasive ductal diagnosed in 2021. (Stage 1A) I had my first ever PET today to see what we are dealing with (the FNA didn’t provide enough…
Best skin repair products for chemo and radiotherapy
A friend of mine bought me some Rich Glen Olive balm as part of a lovely Chemo care pack. My hands and nails held up so well during AC does dense and 12 rounds of taxol chemotherapy. I also used this undergoing radiotherapy to both breasts along with Moo Goo Soothing cream and my care team were amazed even with double dose…
New Diagnosis HER2 negative
Moderator moved @Dobbo post from activity section to 'Newly Diagnosed':
Any suggestions please of a good bra for when I start radiation for breast cancer. I have large breasts. Size 24 E Also suggested creams that are good during treatment
The waiting game...
Hi everyone, I'm currently on a bit of a waiting game so thought I'd introduce myself as I'm new to this club that none of us wanted to be a part of! I was diagnosed with "locally advanced multicentric left breast carcinoma" on my 46th birthday a couple of weeks ago. It was quite a shock as I'm super healthy and have zero…
Calm before the storm
Hi all, We have our first dose-dense AC treatment this Friday for Rebecca and while we're really glad to have some sense of momentum and control now with the treatment plan, I'm trying to get organised this week with meals and am a little out of my depth as to what to expect. Normally we'd write a meal plan for the week,…
Today is @Kym74 50th birthday
happy birthday wishes to you @Kym74
Starting Chemo
Hi everyone Well my journey started in April with diagnosis of breast cancer. Since then I've had the surgery, the pet scan, an ECG and blood work done. I start Chemo on Wednesday with Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide. My lump was Grade 3 so my Oncologist has recommended a 5 month journey on Chemo. I'm nervous as I'm sure…
Happy birthday @Tilly45
Dear @Tilly45 wishing you a very happy birthday for Friday I hope that the celebrations continue through the weekend 🎉🎂
Happy birthday wishes to @ChezaH
Wishing you a very happy birthday @ChezaH I hope that all is well with you & life is being good to you best wishes <3
Podcasts are awesome!
Hi there Gail here. This is my first post. I was diagnosed on 24 May (7 weeks ago today) and had surgery 2 weeks later on 7 June. I start radiotherapy on 29 July. After that, on to hormone blockers, which I am most definitely not looking forward to. The past 7 weeks have been a whirlwind and it is only this week that I…
Today is @ Zoffiel‘s birthday
Wishing you a very happy birthday @Zoffiel thanks for all your insightful & witty posts and comments Best wishes x