New Diagnosis HER2 negative

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,088
Moderator moved @Dobbo post from activity section to 'Newly Diagnosed':

I’m in shock and still trying to get my head around everything 
I live on the NSW/VIC border and am off to Melbourne tomorrow for a surgeon’s appointment. 
Recently diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma HER2 negative 
Can anyone suggest questions that I should ask the surgeon or have any advice about this first appointment. Any advice gratefully received l!


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,040
    So sorry to see you join our exclusive little club @Dobbo - the club no-one ever thought they'd have to join :(

    Ask away any question and we'll do our best to answer it.   I hope your appt with your surgeon went well.   

    Write down any questions that you have for your team - and tick them off as they are addressed .... also, take a trusted friend or family member with you, as mental and physical support.  Also consider recording your meetings, as it is hard to remember everything that was discussed later on .....

    Jump onto this thread to read a bit about the forum & other areas that you may like to check out ....

    Being 'rural' you will be able to access Gov help towards the cost of fuel and accommodation - you can join our 'rural & regional' group here, with links to most states' Travel Schemes:

    There are some forms that your GP and Specialists may have to fill in ..... do you actually 'live' in NSW?

    take care & all the best

  • Dobbo
    Dobbo Member Posts: 2
    Thanks! So much information to take in. My brain just doesn’t seem to be functioning as well as normal!!
    Having mastectomy (left breast) with DIEP flap reconstruction and reduction on the right so I’m not lop sided!!!
    The only positive was the surgeon saying I was ‘skinny’ and there was only just enough tummy fat for the one side!!!! Op booked for August.. not a cheap exercise is it!?? Have had scans and tests…
    so glad to have the discussions to read and take advice from, thanks to everyone for sharing 
    Feeling pretty scared, good days and not so good days, but trying to stay positive 
    I’m a control freak so this whole thing is hard as so out of my control😩

  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,438
    Hello @Dobbo, it is like learning a whole new language isn't it. Lots to take I'm for sure. There is no control really with this process of treatment other than how you react to it all. You got good advice above.

    Just take it slow, one day at a time. Put yourself first. Get rest when you need it, exercise a little as it's good for stress and the mind. Eat well. Are you hormone positive as well as her2-negative? I agree with taking someone to your appointments because there is so much to take in and given the initial stress with receiving such a diagnostic our brains can only take so much in.  

    Reach our here too as everyone is just lovely and supportive. There are no stupid questions at all. 

    I hope you have some supportive people in your life. Maybe prepare a few meals in advance of surgery. Accept any help offered too. You don't have to be a superwoman now. 

    Best wishes and take care 🙂 🌻
  • Dobbo
    Dobbo Member Posts: 2
    Thanks Cath62
    yes I’m hormone positive 
    already on anastrazole to slow the cancer growth
    not sleeping too well… trying to keep things normal but struggling. Exercise and work is good but I do feel very vague headed and nauseous… wondering if it could be the medication? 
    I’m lucky that o do have a great group of friends around me 
    I just feel like I’d like to wake up and it all to be over!!! 

  • Alfie
    Alfie Member Posts: 30
    Yep it's a hard road. When I was diagnosed I thought I took it pretty well. Wrong.

    How can you. A friend came round in the afternoon whipped me away to my favourite place by the sea and yep too many wines.
    I came home apologised for being merry to my husband and sobbed my heart out.

    I had questions for the first appointment but it wasn't the right time.

    I realised this is the first time in my life I am just following the process. 

    For me I just take one step at a time. I don't want people telling me others stories. It's nice to chat about normal stuff with people.

    I agree if someone says I will cook a meal..yes please...we had a friend help to get the garden up to scratch. Things that were important to me.

    It is good there is a rural group you can connect with and great advice.

    Take care, my heart goes out to you.

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,040
    Terrific that you do have good support with your friends, @Dobbo xx. Lean on them.  They will be wanting to help you in any way - after your surgery, it could be many things, like mowing the lawn, hanging out the laundry (as you'll not be allowed to do anything 'heavy' for a little while ...... 

    Also consider joining the Reconstruction group - you can chat about your upcoming procedure - and may be able to see pics, similar to what you are having done.  Jump on here & click 'join' ....

    Try & keep as busy as you can, leading up to your op, doing things you love to do ..... maybe cook some favourite meals and freeze them, so you have yummy meals ready for when you get home after the op xx

    You will feel so relieved after it is all over - don't use Dr Google .... as a lot of info is old & won't relate to your diagnosis xx

    take care & all the best