Our Gardens



  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    I’ve always wanted to grow a hoya, no success. Lovely plants! 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Sadly hubby’s dementia has him making bad gardening decisions!  :(  4 weeks ago he pulled out all our tomatoes... then 2 weeks ago he drastically pruned our wonderful passion fruit vine, almost killing it. All the fruit (and there were HEAPS) shrivelled up and fell off. 

    Then next time I looked it was cut back to the trunk!! 

    I just hope hope it survives winter!!  

  • Caz1
    Caz1 Member Posts: 382
    @arpie oh geez that’s heartbreaking :o
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 982
    Maybe @arpie you might end up with some self sown oneS next season. 
    Hubby used to let a couple Of tomatoes drop and bury so the supply was on going. Pity hubby past away before teaching me anything should have paid more attention but i just enjoyed the fruits of his labour 

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Thanks @Caz1 and @cranky_granny - I've never been much of a gardener either!!

    The tomatoes have  started growing again, but with winter coming on, unlikely to fruit.  :(  

    The passionfruit has some new shoots on it, so there is hope for it yet ..... so long as he doesn't have another go at it!!
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Taking advantage of the lovely weather and isolation this weekend to get stuck into some post-bushfire garden cleanup and some pruning.  My hands, wrists and upper arms are so tired and sore, I can barely pick anything up!
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Must be a dementia thing @arpie - my passionfruit suffered the same fate !
    Our tomatoes are still going (I bought a punnet of several varieties) so he has not yanked them out.
    The dill has ended but the dead sticks are still standing.
    The zucchinis suffered when we were away but he has left them in - as dead as ....
    Oh how the mind works.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    I hope you are feeling better tomorrow, @sister .... a long soak in a bath with salts may help .... 

    Our Passionfruit is sending out more shoots, so may survive - but I doubt it will fruit again this year.  :(  

    Tomatoes still not fruiting - possibly the midnight bandits (possums) are attacking any fruit - as Keith has seen some on it but they never get to ripe stage  - they just disappear!  grrr

    Our lovely little Orchid on the kitchen window sill is sending out a flower spike (early days) so I have to make sure hubby doesn't over water it ...... which he tends to do, even tho I have signs EVERYWHERE!!  :(

    Yes - how the mind works!  Sometimes it just doesn't!   :( 
  • Annie C
    Annie C Member Posts: 853
    You are so fortunate, a koala "au naturale". He looks as if he was contemplating some mischief!.