Our Gardens



  • Annie C
    Annie C Member Posts: 853
    A friend in town, who also is a Desert Rose aficionado, has always held to the theory that if you can't grow a Desert Rose then it is time to give up gardening.
    Glad it is just a theory given that I have managed to murder some of mine.
    You are however, one up on me, as I have never been able to hand pollinate mine. However given that the Kimberley is Bug Capital of Australia I will leave it to Mother Nature to do the deed.

    This one I am thrilled with. It is a double pink Desert Rose. I am hoping that this one flower will give me seed pods.

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    haha - "A friend in town, who also is a Desert Rose aficionado, has always held to the theory that if you can't grow a Desert Rose then it is time to give up gardening."  That doesn't take into consideration MY lack of ability to grow ANYTHING!!!  ;) 

    That is a STUNNING flower @Annie C - mine are all 'singles' so far!! .... I hope to get something like that one day!  :) 

    If only we could 'trade seeds'!!  A bit ridiculous really, as you can grow them ALL round Australia .... so they are hardly a 'feral weed' (specially how difficult it is to propagate them!) ;)  Hmmmm .... when is Claire visiting again?? ;)  xx

  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 983
    That's beautiful @anniec
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,805
    A friend gave me this beautiful rose  name of rose, I can't remember however they look velvety!  

  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    They look beautiful @iserbrown do they have a scent as well. 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,805
    Sadly no perfume!
    It was a gift when my Dad passed!  
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    @iserbrown when my brother passed my mother picked out some lovely flowers and pressed them then arranged them into a photo frame