New and so confused



  • Newby24
    Newby24 Member Posts: 62
    @Sister thanks and I think Moogoo is probably the only thing I haven’t tried but will definitely grab some in the am. They started being really dry and oncologist said I was washing my hands too much. Being over cautious and they gave me Hydroxyl ointment but it then dried out my hands and they started to peel so I stopped using that and now I am just using Sorbolene. Just searched a few forums but most say gets better after chemo arrgh 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    When you say the backs of you hands, do you mean the skin or is it possible you have phlebitis which is inflammation of the veins which can be caused by the chemo drugs? That's really painful, nothing much seems to soothe it either. I've always found the oncology nurses to be better at recognising these things than the doctors, have you asked yours to have a look?
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    Maybe the gel from inside Aloe Vera plant leaves (I used that a few times during rads) or Aloe Vera juice of the juice you can buy from chemist.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I had a lot of problems with my hands, but the palms and fingers, not the back. I ended up wearing white cotton gloves to try to ease the pain on contact with anything. What about something like Soov that has an anaesthetic component?
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Best to get someone like an oncology nurse to have a look, then you have a better idea of how to treat it. 
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Dear @Newby24
    During and after my third and fourth AC chemo sessions I developed Hand-Foot
    Syndrome or Palmar-Plantar
    Erythrodysesthesia. I had red skin and blisters on hand and feet. Ice packs and sorbolene cream helped.  It was completely gone two weeks after chemo ended.
    Here is a link  with more info, but ask your nurse/medico.
    Best wishes from jennyss in Western NSW

  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Hey @Newby24,

    I had a severe skin reaction to taxol.  Yes, it looked like red burning and itchy then it dried right out and went flaky and horrible.
    Try the moo goo, try some sudocream (that's really hard to get off though) but will take the burn and itch out of it.

    Possibly some dermaid from the chemist as that has a bit of cortizone int it.  You can get it in a cream or an ointment, I found the ointment more soothing, the cream tended to sting a bit,

      I ended up having to stay on prednisone through the lot of it. It was on the back of my hands, forearms, elbows and knees.

  • Newby24
    Newby24 Member Posts: 62
    @jennyss thank you I have shown the doctor and he said he doesn’t think it hand and foot because I don’t have anything on my feet. @kezmusc yes my hands blistered and peeled and flaked everywhere on my hands, wrists and just started on my elbow. I have tried lots of cream and I think emu oil and goats cream have been the best. They are nearly healed now. The oncologist asked me to decide whether to do chemo 4 at a 25% less or to not do it at all. He also put the chemo back 1 week to let me heal. So my hands have nearly healed and I had a couple of ultrasounds this week to make sure I wasn’t clotting and I got the all clear. The problem is now I am so drained of energy and even walking to the toilet is a chore. What I’m wanting to know is how long before I get some energy back? I am scared with having my last chemo this Wednesday that my energy can’t get any lower.
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Dear @Newby24 , Best wishes for your last chemo. I found my energy started to come back 3 weeks after my last chemo.
  • Doin'it
    Doin'it Member Posts: 377
    @Newby24 my hands peeled down the sides. Went as thick as leather for a while, but didn’t take long to heal. How are your nails going? Best wishes for your last chemo. Same as @jennyss, took around 3 weeks for my energy to come back. Then I had 30 rounds of rads, but didn’t get fatigue luckily xx
  • Newby24
    Newby24 Member Posts: 62
    @jennyss @Doodoo Thank you for your replies, it really does mean a lot as I was feeling very down yesterday but not so bad today. I am usually an independent woman and I am finding it hard to have to depend on people. Even my 10 year old grandson said when you get better you’ll owe me $15 for getting you toast and drinks and looking after you lol it was worrying me as it has been nearly 4 weeks tomorrow since last chemo and I have no energy still but I have been really trying yesterday, today and I will tomorrow as well so I’ll be ready for the last round Wednesday. Then off to Orange (1.30hrs) for radiation for 25 rounds. I’ll stay over for most of the time so that will be okay. Again thank you for your advice 🌸
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    You just can't hurry it unfortunately @Newby24. BC really schools you in patience. You'll get there eventually but it takes a long time. K xox
  • Newby24
    Newby24 Member Posts: 62
    @kmakm unfortunately I am finding it out the hard way. I am so scared about chemo 4 if I’m still feeling like this after chemo 3 and then I feel terrible cause I feel like a whinger. It is so doable but so tiring as well. Two days, and I suppose and we’ll see how the last one effects me, hopefully I can sleep through the first week and then start to move on towards my rads. Thank you. Anyone who is reading my whinge please know  chemo is doable and the doctor, oncologist and nurse had never seen my side effects before so you’ll probably be good. We are all different but all in this together.
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,534
    @Newby24 Three down, 75% done. Achievement! Way over half way there. I kept telling myself that through each phase. I am now on my her2 blocker and over half way. “Active” treatment is now over for me. Once it finishes you look back and realise it was doable, just a bit challenging at times. Big hugs.
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    Oh're not a whinger at all. We all get it, we really do. I was so totally flat, fatigued and f***ed during my AC part of chemo, that I even didn't drink as much as I know I should have, because then I knew that in an hour, I'd have to get off my bed to go and pee. In fact the whole mission of getting up, getting the drink and then later offloading it seemed all too much of an effort as did everything else. However, you three quarters of the way through, only one more to go, then you can start to regroup. The worst of your treatment will be over. What comes after that, you will deal with day by day with us here all beside you.