Night Howls



  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Kiwi Angel Clumsy klutz here. Never used to be. And balance. Used to be able to stand on one leg for ages. Now I meander like an old crock.
    @kmakm and @Annski - hearing you.  <3<3
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Flaneuse I despair about how I would handle certain yoga poses now!!
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Kiwi Angel I'd have to do bedtop yoga because of my dodgy knee. Can't kneel on a prosthesis. I find it hard getting down onto a floor. Getting harder, too.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    I can get down on the floor no problem, getting up is not so pretty!! My hobbit feet are neuropathied so I know what the problem is, I just have to work around it. At yoga, there are times when I have to move to the barre. Tucking my toes? By the time I manouevre them into something like that position, the rest of the class is on the next pose. But I take some comfort from the fact that, at a glacier speed admittedly, they are actually improving, while age is inexorably decreasing everything else! 
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Afraser I struggle to get up from a crouched/squatting position too - ever since chemo my thigh muscles feel like little bits of concrete. 

    Just had a 2 hour nap and it was fabulous. I know I won’t sleep tonight but I can’t remember the last time I had a nap that good. 
  • Sarnicad
    Sarnicad Member Posts: 318
    I eventually got about 5 hours last night. And have just had a nap now but am still yawning my head off 

    clumsy is my middle name. Stubbed my toe on the toilet the other night, tripped over nothing at work today, walk l8ke a toddler down stairs - step step other foot to first and repeat so unco 
  • Sarnicad
    Sarnicad Member Posts: 318
    edited March 2019
    So here  I am my favourite time of day no sleep o’clock

    worse I was nice and comfy about to drop off and hubby rolled over and breathed on me(I sound like the kids now - he looked at me wrong!) 

    oh well back to tossing and turning 
  • DearB
    DearB Member Posts: 205
    Sitting in our car pretending I am in first class on a plane ✈️ mmmm maybe it’s more premium economy. The chair reclines  but the service is non existent.   Maybe it’s a air Asia flight ✈️. Am I delirious ?  Sore throat sore back. 🤒. And I came away camping without a charger 🔌  this is why I am in the car 🚗 charging my phone because I couldn’t hear my music on phone over dhs snoring 💤 
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @DearB where r u camping?  I have problems with my husbands snoring too. 

    @Sarnicad my hubby had a couple of beers last night to even after brushing his teeth all I could smell was beer so didn’t want him breathing on me. 

    Did I’d pay for my nap yesterday. Was trying to stay up and watch the Michael Jackson doco and fell asleep 15 minutes before the end and then woke up when it was finished. Woke up about an hour later and needed to pee then tossed and turned all night. The cat was a little shit this morning wanting breakfast which did not help!
  • JJ70
    JJ70 Member Posts: 983
    A good night's sleep for me last night - thank goodness because my eyes were nearly popping out of my head. 
    Saw my GP yesterday - lots of bloods taken for all sorts of things Vit D, iron, magnesium levels yadda yadda....see what;s going on.
    Also thinking of changing oncologists - never been happy with the one I've got due to her lack of dealing out  information and the bedside manner of an ice cube - but wondering if 'better the devil you know' applies. (HA! I am actually off to Kylie Minogue concert tonight and hope she plays that one - one of my faves)

    Anyone else changed ONCS and found it a good move?
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,315
    edited March 2019
    Well done on the sleep @JJ70 !!   I slept thru to about 5am

    I  have changed from a dork of a bloke (that men find wonderful!) and am going to a wonderfully caring female onc who I 'lucked onto' once when he was not available!!

    Definitely - ask around & see who has a 'good one' & give them a go.  Nothing worse than sitting in the waiting room thinking 'Why do I bother' .... 

    Enjoy Kylie!!
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Yes. I did because mine left private practice. She was nice but we never quite gelled. I've only seen my new oncologist once so far but I liked her more.
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    I changed oncologist @JJ70 . Best thing I ever did. I don't think that there is much finesse when it comes to the poisoners, except  for how they treat you. The chemical is predetermined by the pathology and unless something goes wrong they just check you onto the train then monitor your progress.
    If something goes wrong and they won't listen to you, they are not helping. Ditto for being dismissive, talking down to you or not answering questions.
    I am a horrible old bat, but there is nothing better than telling someone who is dissing you 'You're services are no longer required because you treated me like shit. '
  • JJ70
    JJ70 Member Posts: 983
    Yeah @Zoffiel I agree. The pathway has been predetermined for 30 odd years and not much has changed in that time. Seeing my appointment isn't until May (and I haven't spoken to her in any way shape or form since August), I have settled on giving her an opportunity to start showing some depth in my  ongoing care and am going to email my Tamoxifen side-effects and questions to her.

    If she can't/won't answer in a satisfactory manner then I am jumping ship. At the moment I am standing on the helm ready to jump, but will just look over my shoulder one more time and see if the ship looks better than the waters of unknown ONCs. (Hope I am pleasantly surprised because from all previous history this chick will give the briefest answers you can imagine -  if in person then usually whilst typing and looking at her computer screen >:) )

    I have support group tomorrow so I will canvas other ONCs there.