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Discussion List
It is SuzesMum's birthday today 3rd December
Many happy returns for today @SuzesMum for today Wishing you a wonderful day Best wishes <3
Welcome New Members - 2nd December 2021
A very warm welcome to our newest members this past week: @lisa_68 @JustTurnedSeventy @RipleyandJones @Yellow_Daffodil @wendyk60 @ErinW You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage with generous members who provide meaningful…
Happy birthday for 1st December to @Christina55
To dear @Christina 55 Wishing you a very happy birthday for today Have a lovely day xx
Plastic Surgeons in Brisbane
Hi all, After two different surgeons performed my double mastectomy I now have two completely looking breasts. They look completely deformed and I have just been told there Is a 4 year wait for plastics to correct my boobs. To say I was completely shocked as I was given the impression it wasn't a long wait time to correct…
Replace implants - ruptured?
I had a bilateral mastectomy 11 years ago and had textured implants. A few months ago I felt a change in them, went to my GP who ordered blood tests and an MRI. According to him, they had ‘imploded’ and he recommended replacement. At about the same time I developed a slight pain for in my ankle which I didn’t see about…
Wishing @Breezer110 a very happy birthday for 30 November
Happy Birthday wishes to @Breezer110 have a great day Best wishes <3
Lumpectomy and breast reduction
Original post created by @JanJune1964 moved to its own thread in general discussion
Welcome New Members
A very warm welcome to our newest members this past week: @Mich_AH @ajs @Teej @Redlady @Fizzgigg @Chrissy1121 @ElsieKing53___ @Bernie1920 @Tigee @Nixter0206 @rosad You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage with generous…
Happy birthday to @JulieVT11 27 November
Wishing @JulieVT11 the happiest of birthdays for today Have a lovely day <3
Welcome New Members
A very warm welcome to our newest members this past week: @NicolaMusic @PollyMammary @kakkathom @HelenV @Sylva @Kahm @KerryB @JanJune1964 @May60 @Stephruss @Kripa @Totallyoverit13 You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage…
Happy birthday to @Alcaye for 26 November
Happy birthday wishes to @Alcaye for today I hope that you have a great birthday
Help 😒
Diagnosed with breast cancer last week and will be seeing my surgeon for first time tomorrow. I know that a lumpectomy is to be performed + radiation for between 3-5 weeks. I'm overwhelmed with information yet still feel like I know nothing. 😕 I know that many questions will be answered tomorrow, but I'm still terrified
Happy birthday wishes to @kelll for 25 November
Wishing @Kelll a very happy birthday
BCNA introduces the blue man!
Woo hoo. Here's BCNA Christmas decorations with a big difference.
Birthday wishes for 22 November to @wooda
Happy birthday wishes to @wooda I hope that you have a lovely day @Michelle_R