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Discussion List
Can we just validate what people are discussing, not do one upmanships
There seems to be a tendency for some people to engage in one upmanships with other chatters, this is not needed. How about just validating what people are saying, or keep silent. Good to be nice to others, and not engage in smart a...... comments, let's treat other women with respect, this isn't a competition in here. No…
Happy birthday wishes to @nonkyboy - have a great day
Birthday wishes for your birthday @nonkyboy
Welcome New Members - 20th January 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @GrannyJ @Cherylb @Duckduo @CatherineC @Shazzamax @JessAB22 @Jodi_Leigh2510 @lyao @K_kit24 @DeeBiro @SilentAngelsTears @Tassie73 @Twinz12367 You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not…
20th January is @Emelon1 Birthday :o)
Wishing you every happiness for your birthday @Emelon1 I hope that you have a lovely day <3
20th January is @Not_good_63_57 Birthday !
Wishing you a wonderful birthday @Not_good_63_57 I hope that you have a really lovely day best wishes for today and for 2022 <3
Welcome New Members 12th January 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members the past three weeks: @K_Ehlers @Mandyjo @canberra @ALIDA @WarLan @ZeeAir @Lbazz230281 @sim68 @JennyBrukunga @Darls @Annette77 @Lenorayoung30 @Innyanga @SazziBloss @Cathy2112 @Susiemay2021 @Nay64 @Fernweh @Jazzyholic @Michaela_81 @duna0972 @Johann @Leanneadele You have found your…
Happy Birthday to CathyW for 15th January!
To dear @Cathyw I hope that you have a fabulous birthday and a great celebration Happy Birthday to you
@Sparkles is having a birthday today, 16th January :)
To dear @Sparkles Wishing you a wonderful birthday filled with joy and lots of cake Best wishes <3
Tattoo Questions
I’m over a year out of mastectomy, and 6 months since corrective surgery on the dog ear I ended up with. I’m in regional WA, and looking for recommendations for a tattoo artist who has worked on scar sites. I know I will have to travel to Perth or maybe further. Has anyone in WA had a tattoo over their mastectomy site and…
Happy birthday wishes to @Liong for 12 January
Dear @Liong Wishing you a very happy summery birthday for today! Have a lovely day
Birthday wishes to @patdug for 2 January
Dear @patdug very happy birthday wishes for today! <3
It's the 9th January - have a fabulous birthday @Dawnc
Hi @Dawnc It's your birthday today <3 I hope that it is filled with joy, laughter and happy times have a lovely day best wishes xx
Happy Birthday @Justtoomuch for the 9th January
Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday @Justtoomuch for the 9th January I hope that you have a wonderful day Best wishes xoxo
Greetings to those celebrating Christmas according to the Orthodox calendar
Wishing you all a happy day with your family and friends. May this be the start of a peaceful, healthy and safe year. Let us know how you celebrate. Best wishes 🎄