Forum Discussion

Raich's avatar
4 years ago

Tattoo Questions

I’m over a year out of mastectomy, and 6 months since corrective surgery on the dog ear I ended up with. 
I’m in regional WA, and looking for recommendations for a tattoo artist who has worked on scar sites. I know I will have to travel to Perth or maybe further. 
Has anyone in WA had a tattoo over their mastectomy site and who do you recommend? 
With thanks!
  • Hey Raich. I think a few ladies have had tattoos over their mastectomy site. I’ve seen some on here that were really beautiful. I’m not sure that they were in WA though. If you’re on FB, there’s also a fb group for breast ca ladies you can join, as a lot on there also ask this same question and many ladies respond with pictures of theirs and recommendations. 
  • Thanks @FLClover! Do you know what the Facebook  group is called?  Trying to get the search results refined! 

  • No problem 🙂. There’s a group for under 50s (which you can join even if you’re over 50), ‘Breast Cancer Support for Under 50s’. 
    There’s ‘Breast Cancer Support - Australia’, ‘Australian Breast Cancer Support’, and another one which has a lot of members: ‘Breast Cancer Support - I Got This!’
    The second and third ones I listed are Australian obviously, but I think it doesn’t really matter which one, as this question gets asked in all the groups, and if there’s lots of members there’s bound to be some from WA. Ask to join a couple maybe, post the question and I think you’ll get heaps of replies. 
  • Hi @Raich nice to hear from you.  Hope you are travelling  well.  I'm waiting for the dog ear to be tweaked.     Would love to see your tattoo when finished.  Cheers 
  • Hi @Raich think that’s a great idea getting a tattoo, but just be aware that they don’t like tattooing on new scars, when I was thinking about it quiet a few years ago I was told had to be about 5 years old for the scar, so worth a check on that, I’m actually finally going to get my eyebrows tattoo on, they just never grew back after chemo in 2015, had glasses so didn’t worry about them but now don’t wear glasses anymore except to read after cataract surgery so now im very aware they not there.
    goid luck with your tattoo would love to see it when done, if your ok with that 😃
  • Yeah, I’m going to have to wait til at least August 2023. 
    My current idea is a black/ grey tatt of a Great Tit... 😬
     not sure if I’ll still want it by then...  or If I will have changed my mind . 
    At least it’s going to give me time to find the right artist and get the design right.