International Women's Day 2017
Happy International Women's Day! Since 1909, International Women's Day has celebrated the respect, appreciation and love towards women for their economic, political and social achievements. At BCNA, we know that we are not reaching everyone diagnosed with breast cancer. Some people don't want to be reached and we respect…
Buying products to support BCNA
Have any of you come across everyday products supporting BCNA? Today as I was doing my supermarket shop I came across Reflex paper reams with the BCNA logo. Nice to see!
We all need to think of ourselves like this ...
1/3/17 Kate001's Birthday Today!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday wish to Kate001!! May your special day be filled with excitement, anticipation, love, laughter and happiness. Don't forget Our Cake!!!! ;) Xx Cath
State of the Nation - Question waiting times
Dear online networkers I hope you have all had a chance to complete our online Member Survey - if not you still have a chance to make your experience count. You can complete the survey here. I am wanting to gather the range of waiting times you may have or are experiencing for a reconstruction. You can post here or let me…
Annual Check Up
Hi everyone, I am looking for some advise. I have been cancer free for the last four years and I am due to get my final check up in April this year. As I have just moved in November from Scotland I don't really know where to start. I made an appointment to see a GP, whom I found to be very pleasant but not too helpful. The…
Solving a breast cancer mystery – why do ‘double-positive’ women do better?
This post is a research article; I am putting this out for general discussion. 70% of us are double-positive so this is an important topic. This research came from England and was in collaboration with University of Adelaide. But this isn't the first research article I have read about the protective nature of progesterone…
23/2. Lithgow1950's Birthday today!!!
Sending a very late evening Huge Happy Birthday to @Lithgow1950 Anne-Marie!!! Also sending a huge apology for posting this soooooo very late. Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, joy, excitement and caaaaaakkkkkkkeeeeeee!!!!! Xx Cath
Are you a male diagnosed with Breast Cancer on the online forum
Are you a male diagnosed with Breast Cancer on the online forum? * Do you need or want a specific group within the forum to be able to discuss male related issues from your diagnosis or treatment? * Do you feel comfortable discussing on the general forum with the ladies who at this stage dominate (in a nice way) the forum?…
I'm Back
Hi all well it has been a loooong time since i have been on here and i'm glad to be back. so much has happened since i was last on here, . sadly In 2015 i left my support group as I just felt the group wasn't what i had joined and was becoming a morning tea / lunch with the girls group, plus at times got very bitchy, i…
Welcome to the online forum
Hi @Micheleanne & @esco have a look around read posts and ask any questions you might have. we are friendly and supportive. Soldier Crab
Underarm odour and ear wax...for pete's sake !!!
I had a left breast lumpectomy Dec 2011; radiation early 2012. All clear. Nearly at my five year anniversary last August 2016, I noticed a dimple underneath the left breast and in the left armpit. Won't go into how I felt about that, right now. But I had an ultrasound & the hospital brought fwd what would have been my last…
Advise needed
Hi , I'm just in early stages of Chemotherapy, and my partner wants to visit he's son in Thailand.. I'm concerned If he brings back any sickness etc , I could be at risk ! Am I over thinking ? Worried x
Arimadex Withdrawal
Has anyone had Arimadex withdrawal? I have been off it for four days and feel decidely more depressed than when I was on it and also quite nauseous?
11/2. Melclarity's Birthday Today!!!
Sending an absolutely HUGE Happy Birthday wish to Melinda @Melclarity!! Wishing you an abundance of Love. gales of Laughter, excitement, overflowing happiness, spontaneity and scrumptious CAKE!!! Huge hugsXx Cath