The new Creative Corner
Hi everyone. There's a new Creative Corner sub-category in the Day to Day category. Please use this space for all things arts and creative. :) <3 I've moved three discussions in there. If you spot any others, let me know. New discussions will still appear in the Discussions page. Ping @InkPetal and @Tracey_B
Friday Update
Hello and welcome to another Friday Update. We have a bunch of new members. Please give a warm welcome to @Rania, @LisaO, @CALD, @juleo, @Kate73, @Mkp, @Jojo16, @kate2017, @Tuppence, @Me1234, @VasilisMum, @Louise1269, @SisterofCoco, @Brach518, @RubyRumble, @Choolie, @Coco65, and all our new members. New members, add your…
Group meet up's
Hi, I was wondering if there was a support network or group in the Redlands area? I think it would be beneficial for the patient to get to know other BC patients, as we all have more knowledge than friends or family who fortunately didn't get to walk in our shoes. I suppose I'm asking if there is a support network in the…
Chickchat fortnightly coffee morning
We are a group of ladies that have all had breast cancer in some form or another; we all live in or around Orange NSW; we get together every 2 weeks at a local coffee shop to exchange our news, stories and laughs and most of all enjoy each other's company. If you are newly diagnosed, enjoy coffee or good company why not…
Bathurst Bosom Buddies (NSW)
Bathurst Bosom Buddies Our next meeting is next Tuesday 13th June. We have Shannon Short coming to speak about exercise and BC. We meet from 10AM – 12 NOON AT THE BATHURST RSL. Some ladies also like to stay and share lunch at the RSL.
Melbourne RYC Morning Tea - 7th July
Come along and meet the Melbourne gals and chat about breast reconstruction. Gain support and support others. RSVP to Virginia Taylor https://www.reclaimyourcurves.org.au/melbourne.html 7th July and 15th September Think Pink Living Centre 390 St Kilda Road, St Kilda. @Star
Walking instead of Coffee and Chat Group Rouse Hill Sydney
Today at 1 pm we are going for a walk instead of Coffee at the Rouse Hill Town Centre. 1 pm at Connie Lowe Park at the Pavillion. The Dog Park on Adelphi Street. Wear casual clothes and walking shoes. Due to low numbers attending I shall keep you posted. Get in touch with me about walking or a coffee. Belinda [removed by…
Central Coast Support Lunch
You are most welcome to join us at the next Central Coast Support Lunch on Sunday, 4th June - 12.30pm at The Point Cafe, Edogawa Commemorative Gardens (Japanese Gardens) - 36 Webb St, East Gosford. Come along and meet others who have walked a similar path to you. Please RSVP and we look forward to meeting you.
Friday Update
Hello and welcome to another Friday Update. We have a bunch of new members. Please give a warm welcome to @technosta124, @Janjansupergran, @queenbee, @Chantelle, @princessange, @Calo, @Jen001, @Rhonda M, @Lulu66, @RhonddaR, @Tee2209, and all our new members. We also welcome @KimW who has been an active BCNA member for some…
Choosing breast reconstruction update
Hi Ladies if you belong to our group and haven't visited for a while here is whats happening. We have a member asking about using super for reconstruction, We have another member who is having problems with immediate implants following mastectomy, We have updated pictures from one of our members who had immediate…
Breacan becomes COUNTERPART.
I just want to let people know that Breacan has changed its name to Counterpart. The service remains the same - a peer support and information service for women with breast and gynaecological cancer. The name reflects the foundational values of the service and aims to be more inclusive of women with cancer. While it is…
Pink Bun Fundraiser - Launceston Tasmania
Hi all, Hereunder are some pics of an event run by Steph Rigby sent by Mandy Forteach. Around 50 attended and Health Minister Michael Ferguson as well as Alderman Simon Wood added to the event by attending. A success all around! Well done Steph Rigby
New BCNA disability resource
Hi everyone. I’m Jill and I’m on the Community Programs Team. I’m working on a new disability resource and would really like your help! Do you live in Victoria? Are you living with a disability? Would you like to share your story? Last year, BCNA engaged with a diverse range of people living with a disability who had been…
Breast cancer forum in Albury
I just wanted to congratulate BCNA on wonderful forum that they ran in Albury yesterday. As I have just started my journey ( not a fan of that word) it gave me great insight on so many levels. On what I can expect in future. Meeting other women who have either gone through the treatment or are still going through treatment…
Pink Lady round @ MCG 2017
just wanted to share this beautiful photo of the four survivors that walked out into the MCG with their own banners for this years Pink Lady Round. Next year I shall the big one where we light up the MCG into a beautiful pink siloette. In case you missed this years,pictured below is the four of us together Fran, Mark,…