Chickchat fortnightly coffee morning

Sheran Member Posts: 19
edited April 2017 in Community news and events
We are a group of ladies that have all had breast cancer in some form or another; we all live in or around Orange NSW; we get together every 2 weeks at a local coffee shop to exchange our news, stories and laughs and most of all enjoy each other's company.
If you are newly diagnosed, enjoy coffee or good company why not come along and say 'hi', we would love to meet you.


  • Hulos
    Hulos Member Posts: 94
    Hi Sheran,
    What a wonderful thing to do, i wish I was close enough to join you ladies. I am in Sydney inner west,  a little too far to drive to, otherwise I would definitely have joined you.
    Enjoy, and hugs to all...xxxx
  • Glemmis
    Glemmis Member Posts: 344
    Sounds lovely Sheran, I would love to join you too but like @Hulos I live in inner west Sydney, we might have to start our own!
  • Sheran
    Sheran Member Posts: 19
    Thanks so much Glemmis and Hulos, perhaps you should get together and start your own group.
    We have a McGrath Foundation breast care nurse for our local hospital and she runs a monthly information group, this group goes for a couple of hours of an evening but it doesn't give us a chance to chat to each other very much. So some of us got together to start our own group.
    We found there just isn't enough support after business hours as most support networks are run by volunteers; we found weekends and early hours of the morning when you can't sleep are the toughest.
    Good luck to you ladies, take care and keep well
  • Hulos
    Hulos Member Posts: 94
    Hi, im quite happy to join a group  within Sydney. I don't work and can drive for now as my op will be after all the chemo is done, 5 weeks to go if all goes well.
    If there are more ladies close to inner  west Sydney , maybe we can start our own gruop and chat...:):)

  • Sheran
    Sheran Member Posts: 19
    Hello again Hulos, where in inner Sydney are you? I used to live in Baulkham Hills then Penrith, then we moved to St Mary's.
    What type of cancer do you have?
    Great news that you have almost finished chemo, I had a bilateral mastectomy 18months ago now and I found it much easier to deal with, I don't worry if the cancer will come back in my breasts now.
  • Glemmis
    Glemmis Member Posts: 344
    @Sheran, it sounds like you have a great support network in Orange, so great for women who don't have family & friends nearby.

    @Hulos, I would be happy to meet up, we can wait & see if other ladies would like to!
  • Hulos
    Hulos Member Posts: 94
    Hi Glemmis,  great to start the ball rolling and see who can join in..:):)
  • Sheran
    Sheran Member Posts: 19
    Hello Glemmis as you know when dealing with cancer sometimes family and friends aren't enough as they don't really understand how you feel; getting angry for no reason or crying at something that you would normally laugh at, or all the little side effects you get to the chemo or meds you have to take.
    That is why we set up our own group - not necessarily breast cancer ladies either, we hav a couple of ladies that had non-Hodgkin lymphoma too - as cancer in its many forms is still cancer; we also react to the diagnosis in very similar ways too.
  • Sheran
    Sheran Member Posts: 19
    Hello Hulos unfortunately I am not able to meet up, I was asking where you live as I used to live in Sydney's  western suburbs 25 years ago.
  • Hulos
    Hulos Member Posts: 94
    I live in Concord, near Strathfield. Happy to meet with those interested.  :):)
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    edited April 2017
    Hi @Sheran, Just wanted to let you know, Bathurst has a support group that runs monthly Bathurst Bosom Buddies. 
    I put out the newsletter. This month we are off on an outing to Katoomba, but normally we meet the 2nd Tuesday of the Month at Bathurst RSL from 10am until 12pm Some of the ladies stay for lunch at the RSL... 
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    here is the link to some support groups... 
  • Sheran
    Sheran Member Posts: 19
    Hello Soldier Crab your group sounds like our McGrath foundation group, we don't do many outings tho it's more about exercise & cancer information.
    Thats why we started our own group.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    edited April 2017
    We go out every 3mths do something just friendly stuff .... had a christmas function in december going to the chocolate factory at katoomba this month, then doing Christmas in July and going out to Cowra in September for cherry blossom festival we see that we are more than just needing information we need the time to chat etc... why we do the lunch afterwards.  then some ladies sometimes go off to see a movie after lunch.... 
    We have the encore program here that is good and they have a lunch once per month also. 

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    @bevvzy. I was wondering if this group would be helpful and supportive.