Calling Adelaide Ladies
Just heard of free course put on by YWCA called Encore. Is for breast cancer ladies but must be at least 8 weeks post op.One venue is FMC 20/10 - 8/12 4pm - 6pm and the other is Hampstead Rehab Centre 17/10 - 5/12 7-9 pm. It includes hydrotherapy, exercisestalks on nutrition, mindfulness , relaxation techniques ,…
Breast Cancer Awareness Month - 17th October 2017 Bathurst RSL
Breast Reconstruction Information Evening
Hi all There is a Breast Reconstruction information evening on the 18th October at Flinders Medical Centre if you are interested
The University of Sydney - Events
Costly decisions: discussing high cost, evidence-based but unfunded cancer therapies The University of Sydney Breast Cancer Special Interest Group & Mater Hospital are holding an evening event to discuss high cost, evidence-based but unfunded cancer therapies. When: Tuesday, 26 September 2017 Quality of Life and Cancer…
Bathurst Bosom Buddies outing
We are off to Cowra on Tuesday to visit the rose garden then the Japanese gardens.
Support Group Toowoomba
Hi I am just wondering if Toowoomba has a support group for breast cancer people's .
Central Coast Support Lunch
Our next Central Coast Support Lunch is coming up next month on Sunday, 8th October at The Point Café, within the Edogawa Commemorative Gardens (Japanese Gardens) at 36 Webb St, East Gosford. The guest speaker will be Ellie, from Newcastle Cosmetic Tattoos who will be sharing information about what is involved with nipple…
Perth Reconstruction Support Group Lunch
Hi Perth ladies - the next Reclaim Your Curves Support Lunch will be Sat 1st July from 12:30 at the Herdsman Lake Tavern in Wembley. We buy our own food/drinks and share our recon experiences. It is also a great way for ladies considering recon to chat with other women and get your questions answered. Visit our website…
What's new?
Hi everyone, it's been a little while since we have shared with you what's been happening in the community and within BCNA. We have a whole bunch of new members. Please give a warm welcome to @TripleTea, @TracyH, @fluffymittens, @Muriel, @annielou52, @JayLee, @future1979, @shorelle, @piper79, @nat79, @Wigsy, @tasneem,…
Seeking a new group leader for the Lost Libido Ladies
We are now seeking someone to come on board and help lead this group. Being a group leader means being the main contact for the group, approving/rejecting requests to join the group, and creating and facilitating discussions. The helpline team will be here to maintain the group, but we feel strongly that it should be led…
International Metastatic Breast Cancer Day - October 13
Hi ladies I've been busy 'behind the scenes'!! Finally we have got it all happening for this October - Martin Place 12.30pm. We are supported by McGrath Foundation and supporting BCNA for this exciting, inaugural event..... It's not only raising awareness about MBC, but emphasising that we can live well WITH cancer,…
Central Coast Support Lunch
The Central Coast Support Lunch was enjoyed today at the lovely Japanese Gardens.Tia Covi from the Coast CanCare Wellness Program shared information regarding the excellent range of free programs available including exercise and diet, art therapy, tai chi and self care/relaxation.Ann showed us her nipples that had just…
YWCA Encore course .
Hi everyone just discovered this course is around Australia - have a look on the YWCA site there might be one near you. It's free and have heard a lot of good things from other bc ladies
Support Group North Brisbane
I know there is a group there it but I can not find it anywhere on this site. I have tried a few times to no avail If anyone looking for us we meet up every two weeks, alternating morning and afternoon on a Wednesday. We have a facebook page.....Strathpine Coffee and Chat Club which is a private page.
Do you know someone ?
Hi Everyone! We currently looking for bilingual women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer who are interested in becoming volunteer BCNA Community Liaisons. Do you know someone who would be great for this role? BCNA’s network of volunteer Community Liaisons around the country raise awareness of the impact of breast…