International Metastatic Breast Cancer Day - October 13
Hi ladies I've been busy 'behind the scenes'!! Finally we have got it all happening for this October - Martin Place 12.30pm. We are supported by McGrath Foundation and supporting BCNA for this exciting, inaugural event..... It's not only raising awareness about MBC, but emphasising that we can live well WITH cancer,…
Central Coast Support Lunch
The Central Coast Support Lunch was enjoyed today at the lovely Japanese Gardens.Tia Covi from the Coast CanCare Wellness Program shared information regarding the excellent range of free programs available including exercise and diet, art therapy, tai chi and self care/relaxation.Ann showed us her nipples that had just…
YWCA Encore course .
Hi everyone just discovered this course is around Australia - have a look on the YWCA site there might be one near you. It's free and have heard a lot of good things from other bc ladies
Support Group North Brisbane
I know there is a group there it but I can not find it anywhere on this site. I have tried a few times to no avail If anyone looking for us we meet up every two weeks, alternating morning and afternoon on a Wednesday. We have a facebook page.....Strathpine Coffee and Chat Club which is a private page.
Do you know someone ?
Hi Everyone! We currently looking for bilingual women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer who are interested in becoming volunteer BCNA Community Liaisons. Do you know someone who would be great for this role? BCNA’s network of volunteer Community Liaisons around the country raise awareness of the impact of breast…
Central Coast Support Lunch
Central Coasties - come and join us for lunch. It's a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends, share gems of information, ask your questions, and enjoy great food together. Our next lunch is on Sunday, 13th August at 12.30pm - The Point Cafe in The Japanese Gardens - 36 Webb St, East Gosford. We will have guest speaker…
Our next meeting is next Tuesday 8th August 2017. We have Dr Jesse Middleton (from Chiropractic Health & Wellness Centre - Bathurst/Cowra/Mudgee) coming to speak to us about health and eating. We meet from 10AM – 12 NOON AT THE BATHURST RSL. Some ladies also like to stay and enjoy lunch at the RSL.
Darling Downs and South East Queensland Blush Breast Cancer Survivor and Medical forums
Breast Cancer Survivors are invited to join in free forums in Queensland at the following locations Warwick, Goondiwindi, St George and Roma as part of Blush goes Bush. Guest speakers include medical specialists & allied health professionals.
Sydney Support Lunch - Sunday, 27th August
Reclaim Your Curves Sydney Support Lunch - Sunday, 27th August at The Dragonfly Cafe, Eden Gardens - Macquarie Park, 12pm to 3pm. We are a friendly group of ladies that welcome you to come and join us for lunch in a relaxed setting to share your experience, ask any questions and simply enjoy each other's company. More…
Au revoir
It's with a heavy heart that I share with you that I'm leaving BCNA. My last day is tomorrow. It has been my great pleasure and honour to manage this community. I've been working in the social web for almost eight years, much of that agency-side and consulting for many different kinds of communities. I say with complete…
Weekly update
We're making some changes to how we deliver our weekly update. In the meantime, I wanted to, well, give you an update ;) Community highlights First, please give a warm welcome to @Lesa, @Victoria62, @Millie13, @Ladylee, @MelissaD, @LisaAG, @Pixen, @becci, @Collpepsi, @Reggiewedge, @Blossom9, @Freesia, @CocoG, @Stork,…
What's happening in Choosing Breast Reconstruction
Gold Coast Coffee Catch up anyone?
Hello, I work with @Di and we were wondering whether any of the ladies who live in the Gold Coast area would be interested in catching up for coffee once a month on a Saturday or Sunday? We can meet somewhere central to the majority and put a plan in place going forwards. Look forward to hearing from you! Jane
Coffee and chit chat Melb Doncaster/ Balwyn area?
I was just putting this out there incase someone is local to me that would like to have coffee and chit chat about treatment etc. I'm fairly close to Doncaster Shopping Town living in North Balwyn is a 5min drive. So is anyone interesting in starting up a coffee chit chat group maybe meeting up once a mth. cheers xx
Cheering from Melbourne!
Wishing @ultrarunchick all the best in the 24hr World Championships in Belfast this weekend <3