International Metastatic Breast Cancer Day - October 13

Dragonfly Posts: 60

Hi ladies
I've been busy 'behind the scenes'!!
Finally we have got it all happening for this October - Martin Place 12.30pm.
We are supported by McGrath Foundation and supporting BCNA for this exciting, inaugural event.....
It's not only raising awareness about MBC, but emphasising that we can live well WITH cancer, embrace the moment and remain active - hence the 'dancing'.
Please don't fret if you're not a ballroom dancer....
It will be kickstarted by some professional dancers (Dance Fever - national organisation that teach dancing in primary schools - interestingly the future daughter in law to the founder of the organisation, lost her own mum a few yrs ago - and she is one of our key choreographers).
A flyer will be posted shortly but for info in the interim please feel free to contact me directly on george.elaine@**** (note I'll be out of action for first part of Sept bc having a bilateral mastectomy), and here is the facebook details:
People can also visit your Page at and send messages to your Page at
We hope to record the routine and have ladies that want to join in the last few minutes to see the routine online - it will be EASY - and the more the better - to create that impact.
ALL have to wear black (leggings, pants, black jeans etc plus black top BUT under that black top a VERY BRIGHT colour (not all pink!) so that we can display a 'sea of colour' at the end - thus communicating HOPE for all of us living with MBC.
Best wishes, Elaine
I've been busy 'behind the scenes'!!
Finally we have got it all happening for this October - Martin Place 12.30pm.
We are supported by McGrath Foundation and supporting BCNA for this exciting, inaugural event.....
It's not only raising awareness about MBC, but emphasising that we can live well WITH cancer, embrace the moment and remain active - hence the 'dancing'.
Please don't fret if you're not a ballroom dancer....
It will be kickstarted by some professional dancers (Dance Fever - national organisation that teach dancing in primary schools - interestingly the future daughter in law to the founder of the organisation, lost her own mum a few yrs ago - and she is one of our key choreographers).
A flyer will be posted shortly but for info in the interim please feel free to contact me directly on george.elaine@**** (note I'll be out of action for first part of Sept bc having a bilateral mastectomy), and here is the facebook details:
People can also visit your Page at and send messages to your Page at
We hope to record the routine and have ladies that want to join in the last few minutes to see the routine online - it will be EASY - and the more the better - to create that impact.
ALL have to wear black (leggings, pants, black jeans etc plus black top BUT under that black top a VERY BRIGHT colour (not all pink!) so that we can display a 'sea of colour' at the end - thus communicating HOPE for all of us living with MBC.
Best wishes, Elaine