Calling Adelaide Ladies

Romla Member Posts: 2,092
Just heard of free course put on by YWCA called Encore. Is for breast cancer ladies but must be at least 8 weeks post op.One venue is FMC 20/10 - 8/12 4pm - 6pm and the other is Hampstead Rehab Centre 17/10 - 5/12 7-9 pm. It includes hydrotherapy, exercisestalks on nutrition, mindfulness , relaxation techniques , lymphodema awareness etc etc . As they receive no funding and it is free there is no marketing budget so I thought I's put it up here in case anyone was interested.


  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    edited August 2017
    Oops - contact person is Jemma.
  • Molly001
    Molly001 Member Posts: 419
    Thanks for sharing that @Romla
  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    edited August 2017
    Thanks for sharing this information @romla :) it's a great program. Just click here for Encore in Adelaide.
  • KarenneW
    KarenneW Member Posts: 43
    This is the most amazing course to do.  Val Salter with the assistance of Judy Brewin runs the course at Hampstead and its is truly wonderful.  I've made quite a few friends from my involvement with Encore and twice a year they have an reunion dinner - next one is in late January 2018.  Encore receives little or no funding from anywhere so they are reliant on people assisting them with the Community Raffle and other fundraising ideas.  I can highly recommend any girls who are finished their treatment to make enquiries about when the next course will be run.
  • Noodle
    Noodle Member Posts: 4
    Ladies, thanks so much. I wondered if Encore was still running. My first post here, feeling isolated. Recurrence after 15 years in Dec16 and need to connect
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Not sure what was around 15 years ago but seems to be a lot of support available if you reach out - here on the blog you can read about some amazing kind women and seek their guidance , cancer council has Cancer Connect which put me in touch with a woman who'd been thru same as I was going thru , found on the internet local support groups etc .Plus wealth of information in bcna My Journey Kit - Breast Screen SA gave me one - not just about treatment but questions to ask and organisations that will help etc etc PS There is a search bar on this site on the homepage which enables you to look back at earlier conversations on things that interest you which I found useful to zero in on things. One thing I will say is the internet makes it much easier to connect probably now
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Don't feel isolated Noodle -we are here if you need us 
  • Noodle
    Noodle Member Posts: 4
    Thanks so much Romla. BCNA was just starting up when I was first diagnosed.  Ive seen it go from strength to strength always listening to what survivors want.  I have looked up several things earlier this year without joining up, and everyone here seems very supportive. I've just started taking Circumin for a shoulder pain issue to reduce inflammation, so now I've discovered it may be beneficial for BC survivors, but wondering if I should be taking it with Aromasin. I've done online research tonight and going to discuss with my oncologist.
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Only caution I know is not to take curcumin with chemo there is a site @primek put up but cannot remember will look for you but yes do talk with your oncologist - I'm on Letrozole/ Femara and my medical oncologist had no issue with me taking curcumin if I needed it but suggested fish oil as an option . Also many of the ladies have used magnesium with great success - use the search bar on the home page to look up curcumin and magnesium both of which have featured recently
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Found it @Noodle the site is and it looks at herbs, vitamins and minerals  - including if there are contraindications but still agree talk to your oncologist 
  • Noodle
    Noodle Member Posts: 4
    Thanks, I was just looking at that over in another section. I refused chemo the first time, and onc said it wasn't justified this time around, just hormone therapy, and I'm now waiting for a date for oophorectomy, so I don't have to have monthly Zoladex injections. (the car parking issues at the hospital stresses me out more than anything!)  not dealing with the shock of LH mastectomy, I feel uneven, but the thought of a reconstruction makes me feel ick at present. I will sign off now, very grateful for this info. 
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    I think @melclarity has been taking aromasin - maybe put Aromasin in the search bar and read her thoughts. She is a strong advocate for Magnesium and working with an exercise physiologist- I am finding gentle exercise helps a lot . I also gather the side effects eventually settle after a few months so am aiming to hang in there and see. Only other thing is Aromasin and AIS thin bones - so talk to your oncologist about calcium/ vit D supplements .As I am osteoporotic already am on 6 monthly Prolia injections to prevent bone fractures. Prolia is also believed to reduce the risk of recurrence.However Prolia is only on PBS if you have had a fracture already.Gee may have overloaded you with detail hope something is of value - might see you in October at FMC. 
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Just remember you are welcome to ask questions here and there are many wonderful and much more knowledgeable women than me on this site who will help - you are in good company
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Thanks @Romla Welcome @Noodle so sorry to hear of your recurrence after so long, I had a recurrence after the 4yr mark in 2015. Yes definitely don't take Circumin if you are doing Chemo, @Primek said it interferes with it. I've always been a great advocate taking things but post treatment, during Chemo your body is being depleted trying to replenish through the process doesn't work as you continue to have another infusion. When I finished Chemo the Team put me immediately onto Vitamin D. 6 months later I found a great kinesiologist who introduced me to magnesium. 18 months post chemo I saw a naturopath who put me onto a different stronger magnesium and caltrate together. Its helped so much together with my Exercise Physiologist :) I was on Arimidex but due to side effects I was switched to Aromasin and coping fine so I put that down to more the side effects of Chemo are getting better with time. Definitely ask your Oncologist about Circumin but I personally wouldnt' take it. I also have osteoporosis courtesy of chemo and am on 2 Prolia injections a year which a side effect of it is, somehow it offers more protection against BC and they dont know why lol. I'll take it!!! :) 

    If there's anything you need help with or questions, just sing out, there's a mountain of support here with so many amazing courageous ladies sharing their experiences and thoughts. Hugs Melinda xo
  • Hankster
    Hankster Member Posts: 86
    Thanks romia .  Welcome noodle I have only just joined a couple of weeks ago.  I am a slow starter my meds was diagnosed 3 years ago just shy of my 10yrs clear ,  I  totally get the shock frustration and anger at a diagnosis after so long .  Hang in there.  Lots of virtual ears to listen and virtual atms up hug you on this site Xxoo