INSPIRATIONAL Last week I was privileged to attend the BCNA National Summit – Making a Difference. During the conference, I met some wonderful people. Loved hearing their stories, especially those who live in regional areas as their communities and challenges are different to those in the city. When I arrived, I shared a…
Breast Reconstruction Awareness event Port Macquarie- March 23rd
Hot on the heals of the hugely successful BRA Event in Wollongong, the next event is in Port Macquarie on the 23rd March, just a few weeks away. If you are in this area you might be interested to come along, check out the details…
Breast Reconstruction Awareness Event - Port Macquarie - March 23
Want to learn more about your options for reconstruction? Interested in hearing about the different techniques and new technology making reconstruction more accessible for regional women? Then come along to our free Breast Reconstruction Awareness Event on Thursday March 23 at Port City Bowling Club, 4 Owen St, Port…
State of the Nation - Brisbane and Cairns consultations
Dear online members We are making our way around the country to hear from our network of women & men affected by breast cancer so we can better understand the gaps and issues people are facing. Brisbane – this is your chance to make your voice count! Join us at All Saints Conference Centre on Tuesday 14 March from 3-5pm.…
Photos field of women at the Summit
Summit 2017
What an amazing time at the summit,so good to meet so many wonderful people. Thank youBCNA for inviting me, so lovely to finally meet cossete. Big hugs to my online friends who I met, miss you guys already. What fun,inspiration and pure exhilaration it was feel so inspired. Adean xxxxx
Friday Update
Please welcome @LinLin @Marnz444 @KazMac60 @Sweeper @NgauLiu @Bowie @JennyEG @Myjourney @Nanny55 @amber1 @DESLEY RALPH @Jensen @Coffee and all our new members.Community highlights Each week we have lots of different discussions take place in the online network. These can include questions, updates, celebrations and so much…
BCNA summit 2017
As I am unable to as yet get into the summit group as there seems to be a hiccup I'm just letting people know I will be attending next week and hope to meet some of you there. I was fortunate to meet @socoda this week in my home town where we planned to meet up for coffee and ended up having a fabulous meal and a long long…
Friday Update
Please welcome @Redshoes03 @MegseyJ11 @helenben @Ned21 @Stirling57 @rolly1311 @Bella28 @Pat Dyke @srharries @Moogle_muzzy @heatherrob, @Jailbirdstreet @LMK74 @Psalm118v8 @ruthw @Twiggyjumps @Tricoteuse @courtney @KitKat @Hulos @KatieA and all of our new members. Grab a cup of tea or coffee. Lots of great reading in this…
Friday Update
Please welcome @Kim J @Vallerina @Pegasus2 @bip333 @casgirl123 @Suem99 @CateH @VANESSA.C @Wattle15 @Adey @Teejay and all of our new members. Welcome back to @GlendaL @Lorraine @lisboy @Rosy @themlmaf. Community highlights BCNA was built on the voices and experiences of women. Our advocacy is a significant part of our proud…
Sydney Support Lunch
The Sydney Support Lunch was a lovely time of sharing experiences, offering support and having a laugh whilst enjoying a great meal together. It was great to welcome new people as well as familiar faces. Thanks to Jill Rowbotham, BCNA NSW Manager for joining us and updating us on what BCNA has been up to lately. Looking…
Sydney Support Lunch
The Sydney Support Lunch is coming up soon.Sunday, 26th February at The Dragonfly Cafe, Eden Gardens - Macquarie Park, 12pm. It's a relaxed setting to share your experiences, ask questions and enjoy each other's company with great food. Our guest speaker will be BCNA NSW State Manager - Jill Rowbotham - sharing with us new…
Friday Update
Please welcome @Elyned @Danielle49 @skartknet @SusanV36 @MO2G @emisar @Summer_5 @Micheleanne @esco and all our new members to the online network. Community highlights Each week we have lots of different discussions take place in the online network. These can include questions, updates, celebrations and so much more. Here…
Breast reconstruction
hello ladies. I just wanted to let ladies know living in the Illawarra area (NSW) there will be a presentation at the City Diggers club Wollongong to be held on 27th February, 2017. I heard a lovely lady interviewed on our local ABC talking about it this morning. Anne-Marie
Breast Reconstruction Awareness Event - Wollongong, February 27
* When - Monday, February 27, 2017 from 5:30PM - 9:00PM * Where - City Diggers, 82 Church St, Wollongong NSW Learn more about the different techniques for breast reconstruction and the new technologies and techniques making reconstruction more accessible for regional women. Special guest presenters include: Oncoplastic…