Home from surgery Ann's staying positive
I had surgery yesterday with wide lobal excision and sentinal node biopsy. No nodes removed. I am home in less than 24hrs. The amount removed was the size of an orange. Full results next week. Doing well feeling strong but weary. Just the next waiting game for the full results. Need to keep myself positive. I am in awe of…
Friday update 19 June 2020
Hello everyone, Welcome to our Friday update. A very warm welcome to all of our new members who have come on board over the last month, I do hope that you are settling in and finding your way around. Most of you would know that as well as moderating the online community, I also respond to incoming calls on the BCNA…
Happy Birthday @Locksley for Wednesday 10 June 2020!!
Hello @Locksley Happy belated birthday for yesterday! Wishing you many happy returns
Friday update 5 June 2020
Hello everyone, Welcome to our Friday update and a warm welcome to all of our new members who have joined us over the last few weeks. We hope you are settling in and finding you way around. Breast Cancer Network Australia’s online network turns 10! BCNA’s online network was launched on 7 May 2010 and celebrates its 10th…
Friday update 22 May 2020
Hello everyone,Welcome to our Friday update and a warm welcome to all of our new members who have joined us over the last few weeks. We hope you are settling in and finding your way around. You may like to view the Community Info tab where you will find our 'Community Guidelines' and information on 'Navigating the Online…
Mackay Breast Cancer Support Group - Outdoor Event 16 May
For anyone in the Mackay region, we are resuming our monthly support group meetings, on Saturday 16th May, as outdoor gathering numbers will increase to 10 after 15th of May. Link to the Facebook event, with more details is below: https://www.facebook.com/events/259024295341705/ Event Details: Date: Saturday 16th May Time:…
Friday update 8 May 2020
Hello everyone, Welcome to our Friday update. I hope this newsletter finds you travelling well. A very warm welcome to all of our new members who have joined the online community over the last few weeks. I would encourage you to have a look around, you may like to read some of the past conversations and can use the search…
Free counselling sessions temporarily suspended 8/5/2020
Hello everyone, As you know BCNA has been providing free counselling sessions to our members living with metastatic breast cancer. Unfortunately we have had to temporarily suspend this service, therefore free counselling appointments with Dr Carrie Lethborg and Pauley Kessel are no longer available for the time being. We…
BCNA's helpline back to Monday to Friday 9 am till 5 pm.
Hello everyone, As you all know BCNA’s Helpline has been open seven days a week for the past two months. This has been in response to the increased number of calls related to COVID-19. Demand has now dropped and a decision has been made for the Helpline to go back to normal operation, five days a week. Therefore, our…
Look Good Feel Better Workshops now virtual
Hello everyone, The Look Good Feel Better program are now offering virtual workshops. These workshops will commence on 2 April 2020 and are free, live and interactive. Two options are available: Skin care and make-up (1 hour) addressing common side-effects like dryness and sun sensitivity; correcting and concealing…
Friday update 10 April 2020
Hello everyone, Welcome to our Friday update and a warm welcome to all of our new members who have joined us over the last two weeks. We hope you are settling in and finding your way around the online community. BCNA’s Helpline service is opened today Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Sunday and Monday. If you would like to…
Friday update 6 March 2020
Hello everyone, Welcome to our Friday update. A very warm welcome to all of our 65 new members who have joined us this month. If you need any assistance in navigating the online community or a reminder of our community guidelines, click on the Community Info tab at the top right hand side of the blue navigation bar for…
Fortnightly Update 28 March 2020
Hello everyone, Welcome to our fortnightly update and a warm welcome to all of our new members who have joined us over the last two weeks. I hope that you are settling into the online community and are finding your way around. As many of your know BCNA have kept the helpline open over the last two weekends to support our…
Cancer Support Sisters Inc
3rd March ,very informative Meeting with Jess Karma Therapies ,Tuesday 10am CCQ Southport .Everyone welcome.
BCNA helpline open 7 days a week from 9 am till 5 pm
Hello everyone, The BCNA helpline is now open 7 days a week from 9 am till 5 pm. Dont hesitate to call if you have any questions or concerns or would like to speak with a cancer nurse. Our phone number is 1800 500 258. Regards Giovanna