Friday Update 17th December 2021 (Christmas Closure Details)
Friday update 17th December 2021 Welcome to the final Friday Update of 2021! I would like to extend gratitude and thanks to all members of the online network. In my short time so far with BCNA, I have observed the forum as such a welcoming space for people affected by breast cancer to be supported and heard as they…
My Journey - (new) article 'Managing Stress & Mindfulness'
Hi members, My Journey has a new article you may be interested to read and share (I admit I have a very keen interest and passion in the management of stress, particularly to empower people to develop their own toolkit of strategies). BCNA are looking at diving into this topic further next year so watch this space.…
Counterpart - a terrific service for women with Breast Cancer ....
"Counterpart" is a community-based, supportive care service that complements the existing medical system and other cancer support services. They do not provide medical advice. Their service complements the medical system by directing you to reliable information tailored to your needs. You can then make informed decisions…
Update from BCNA Policy and Advocacy on the Breast Reconstruction Report
Update from BCNA Policy and Advocacy on the Breast Reconstruction Report BCNA Policy & Advocacy has been busy implementing our action plan from the Breast Reconstruction in Australia 2021 report, launched in September 2021. Key activities have included meetings held with most state and territory governments to advocate for…
Friday Update 3rd Dec 2021
Friday update 3rd December 2021 Welcome to December members! A very warm welcome to all our new members who have joined us in November and to our existing members who continue to provide support to others navigating their breast cancer diagnosis or who are seeking support for family/friends. A reminder for newbies: please…
'Giving Tuesday' extended
Hi members, You may have already seen this on BCNA's social pages, however thought you may like to hear about 'Giving Tuesday' which has been given a bonus 12 hours to reach BCNA's target. Our wonderful partner Tontine will triple all donations to the value of $40,000 until 2am. You are welcome to share the donation link…
Gather my crew
Hello everyone, Many of you have already heard of 'Gather my Crew'. They are an Australian based charity that are passionate about changing the way people ask for, offer and accept help. They have some great tips about gathering your crew and coordinating friends and family to help especially if you are self isolating at…
Friday Update 19th November 2021
Friday update 19th November 2021 Hello members, I Hope this update finds you well. Summer season is apparently arriving in a few weeks, although recent snow on the mountain tops in my local area tells a conflicting story. The Christmas season is also coming upon us as decorations and merchandise surround us; I will share…
Helpful Christmas gift ideas that support BCNA
Hello members,I just wanted to share BCNA's new Christmas e-catalogue. Your loved ones will enjoy a gift from our BCNA catalogue and your purchase will also help support all Australians affected by breast cancer. From beautiful baubles for your tree to Christmas cards and wrapping, enjoy browsing the vast array of…
North Brisbane
We are having afternoon drinks this week at the Pine Rivers Bowls Club. I will be there just after 4 pm. hope to see you there in the air con!
Christmas Lunch Nth Brisbane
It is that time again. Our Christmas Lunch will be a bit different this year. We are having a Finger Food BYO at Bullocky's Rest on Lake Samsonvale. It is lovely there and it should be a great day. Everyone is welcome. Just bring a plate of anything nibbly plus a Secret Santa gift of around $10 So put 8th December 11.00 on…
Friday update 5 November 2021
Friday update 5 November 2021 Hello members, Well, can you believe we are in November already? Spring weather has been in full swing in Victoria with such variety of days; how is your part of the world? Thankyou again to all members who shared their stories, resources and support during October breast cancer awareness…
WA Reconstruction Support Group Christmas Lunch
Come along and join us for lunch and a Christmas drink as we celebrate 2021and catch up with everyone’s reconstructions. You may bring along a Secret Santa gift $15 - totally optional to join in. Everyone welcome - new ladies looking for info as well as all my lovely regulars. The Herdy - 33 Herdsman Parade Wembley…
Friday update 22 October 2021
Friday update 22 October 2021 Hello members, It is a nice welcome today for Victorians as the lockdown restrictions lift today - Enjoy your greater freedoms! BCNA continue their October breast cancer awareness campaign, highlighting issues that impact those diagnosed and advocate to drive change. Thankyou to all of our…
My Journey 'The Library'
Hi members, I thought you may be interested in the below My Journey article: https://myjourney.org.au/article/3497 The Library provides names of some books you might find helpful or interesting to read. Books in the 'about breast cancer and DCIS' and 'live well' sections have been reviewed by BCNA staff and are recommended…