Update from BCNA Policy and Advocacy on the Breast Reconstruction Report

Update from BCNA Policy and Advocacy on the Breast Reconstruction Report
BCNA Policy & Advocacy has been busy implementing our action plan from the Breast Reconstruction in Australia 2021 report, launched in September 2021. Key activities have included meetings held with most state and territory governments to advocate for the recommendations outlined in the report.
BCNA also continues to drive work in several stakeholder groups including the Australian Access to Breast Reconstruction Collaborative Group (AABRCG). BCNA has liaised with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners to review AABRCG’s breast reconstruction resources and endorse them as best practice statements to be shared with GPs nationally. Formal endorsement of a position statement titled Access to Post Mastectomy Breast Reconstruction Information and Services Australia is also being progressed by the General Surgeons Australia group.
If you missed BCNA's 'Breast Reconstruction – Options and Expectation' Virtual Conference in October, you can still watch on demand via the following link https://kapara.rdbk.com.au/landers/393082.htmlComments
Diagnosed with breast cancer in July this year. I decided to have mastectomy (left breast). The surgery was completed in August. Now finishing a 2nd coursed of 4 cycle chemotherapy. Very tired and fatIgue constantly. In January starting radiation for 5 weeks. I never felt I will be diagnosed with breast cancer. I look after my mum whom passed away with breast cancer in 2017. Soon I had to rebuild my life again as I had to give up my job .1
Hi @Ange6741, thankyou for sharing your story. It sounds like you have had a very challenging time and I hope experience the wonderful support of members here on the forum. I will create your own discussion thread to hopefully receive replies from other members https://onlinenetwork.bcna.org.au/discussion/24075/very-tired-constantly-fatigued/p1?new=1
In the meantime the following links may also be helpful in getting you started:Listen to BCNA's Upfront About Breast Cancer Just Diagnosed - What's Next? and What I Wish I Knew podcasts
The Member Support Team are available to have a chat on 1800 500 258 and provide you with support.