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COVID 19 jab



  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    @BlackWidow QR code usage has improved markedly here since police have been vetting businesses and imposing fines .
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    All sounds as if men stuff up our lives on all levels ..
    Any women involved in the decision-making must have no clout .....
    End of ......
  • Caz1
    Caz1 Member Posts: 382
    @Afraser that’s great to hear about the QR codes becoming uniform! 

    I wear my mask out  everywhere, except when walking the dogs. And am diligent with my QR check ins.  Many aren’t.  Not sure why, all it takes is a couple of positive people and we are off again.....

    So, had my jab today.  Very well run at local medical clinic,great solidarity  with  many fellow citizens.
    My only peeve was I didn’t get a sticker afterwards! ;)

    Sigh, yet another excellent excuse to add to my long list for being a lady of leisure this weekend  :D

    Caz xxxxxx

  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,460

    Well done, hope you have few, if any, side effects! Mostly those I know have had a day or so of being a bit tired and achey, one had a bad headache for a few hours, but nothing too worrisome. 
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    I had the first az jab today. So far so good!
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Okay - I'm booked in for the first one in a few weeks time.  Still not sure how I feel about it, though.
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    Update: I had the AZ jab yesterday and today I’m feverish, nauseous, aches and pains, shivers, have a bad headache, and a sore arm.  Also really thirsty and have funny smell to pee. I had a spa and sauna last night and think I may not have drunk enough water, so I recommend keeping extra hydrated after the jab!  Bummer! I’ll live though, I’m just going to take it easy today and have Panadol. All the symptoms are listed as quite common so I’m not worried just annoyed that I’m one of the unlucky ones to get them!
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,460
    Feel good! Today’s report that nearly a third of the Australian population don’t intend to get vaccinated is alarming. Added to those who genuinely can’t, we won’t have sufficient immunity to avoid a third wave if and when we open up (which those who won’t vaccinate also seem to want!). And it won’t be the over 80s who are the only ones at risk with a third wave, just look around the world . For those of us who have realised we have something wrong and might die, the vaccination risk (inherent in any vaccination) has never seemed to me to be too big an ask in a pandemic. 
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    Oh yes @afraser good point, side effects are annoying but I am very proud of myself that I have done my bit. They are a small temporary price to pay. 

    My 85 year old father and his partner had no side effects whatsoever. 
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    Next update: side effects gone! 👏🏻 So 24 hours, then over.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Bugger...I booked my shot planning (as I thought) very carefully to cause least inconvenience at work and with a clear day following in case I had to stay home.  Bloody memory...  I've only booked it the day before a student activity that I absolutely have to be there for!  And already the clinic is booked up 6 weeks further so no hope of changing my appointment.  Looks like I'll be dragging my sorry arse in no matter how I'm feeling.
  • BlackWidow
    BlackWidow Member Posts: 268
    Too many people are waiting too long in the hope they will get the Pfizer shot before this dastard virus escapes into the community.  From what I have read, the majority of people have the jab then then next day have a day of feeling tired.  All over.  Then watch for the highly unlikely blood clots .....  I 'bit the bullet' and got the AZ, one day of feeling tired but I remain attentive to bad symptoms (I am alone so have to).  Please, ladies think and plan ahead, book yourself in - YOU are too important and must protect yourself.  💖
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    @Sister you might be just fine! It’s unpredictable.

     My effects started about 15 hours after I had the injection FYI. I woke at 4am with headache coming on and a great thirst - I should have had lots of water and a couple of Panadol and a nurofen then, but it was 4am so I waited until morning, and by that time it was like a migraine or a bad hangover.

    So I suggest keeping water and headache pills near the bed, so they are easy to find if you need them (which you might not).

    I’m a big believer in staying on top of the pain normally. 

    I also had it in my right (dominant) arm which they say might get a stronger reaction 🤷🏼‍♀️. But I didn’t want to get it on the breast cancer side.

    The symptoms all departed as quickly as they came on though, and  now I am vaccinated, hoorah!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  • Caz1
    Caz1 Member Posts: 382
    edited May 2021
    @Sister, I had minimal side effects.  Had it on Saturday afternoon, hit the couch the rest of the day and had a lovely excuse to do very little the rest of the day.  At worst was a little achy, that’s all. I have had worse flu shots....  Just made sure I kept up with the Panadol.   :)
    We are all different, don’t panic, just try to pace yourself for a couple of days as with any vaccine.
    @Afraser, on media watch this week they deconstructed the 1/3 number, and found that it was more like 70% DO want to get it ( phew )
    @Halla if you have had any lymph nodes removed, be careful in the sauna , too much heat can lead to Lymphodena .

    Caz xx 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,460
    The figures don’t actually change much! A third unwilling is 33.3%, which means 66.7 are willing! One sounds more positive than the other. But in the UK the unwilling number is down about 7%. As of yesterday, less than 65,000 Australians had been fully vaccinated. We have a long way to go!