How to prioritise self care?



  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Brenda5 Do you mean part of your self care is to not tune into the news too often as it's depressing?
  • Lynn65
    Lynn65 Member Posts: 46
    I have come to find the news on radio and tv too anxiety inducing and traumatising. for the last ten years I turn off the radio when news comes on and the same with tv news (rare because I just watch streaming services in order to avoid news breaks).  

    I still get news from skimming headlines on a number of websites and reading a few articles. Somehow for me the written word helps distance the impact, while audio and video are inescapable.  The bad news is still challenging but at least this way I reduce the level of overwhelm (probably not right word but that’s all I come up with) for myself. 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I turn it off far more than I used to. I'm a news junkie but it's less appealing as I get older. Humans seldom change, there's always been the horrors of crime, war, perversion etc. Some days I just don't need to hear it.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,288
    I am a bit of a news junkie - but can understand the anxiety it can instil.

    There was a comedian some years ago who did a skit along the lines of:

    "People have been complaining about the amount of violence on Television these days ..... Every night, we watch stories about Rape, Murder, Burglary, Assaults and that's just on the News!"
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Yes the news just winds me up. I don't need that stress in my life.
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
  • Sarnicad
    Sarnicad Member Posts: 318
    @Romla you have my sympathy my nearly 18yo twins are doing my head in too - they might be lucky to make their birthday. I don’t think it is your age that is the issue, I think it is them
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Thanks @Sarnicad it is reassuring to know I’m not the only one.They aren’t bad kids but has been quite a ride - year 12 ,so many 18th birthdays , driving , and yep the quest for independence which hurts a bit at times and frustrates at other times as they really know so little .Fingers crossed they and we come thru it - but I guess we and our parents did but just didn’t seem quite as many options.Am thinking about bulk buying hair dye as the greys are coming in thick and fast with it all!
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,527
    Sorry to hijack this thread but I didn’t want to start a new one. How long after active treatment do we need to monitor our temperature? I am currently on Herceptin. My temp is usually 36.2 and it is currently 38.7
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited March 2019
    Hi @Blossom1961. You must be feeling pretty rubbish you poor love. I don't take Herceptin, and I think this thread on self care is probably too off topic for you to get a good response. Perhaps do a search on the word 'Herceptin' and pop your question in a recent thread that mentions it? Or give the helpline a call? Feel better soon lovely, K xox
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    If you have a temp like that @Blossom1961 you need to get it checked out. Bugger! Mxx
  • Nikkilee
    Nikkilee Member Posts: 35
    Hi k,
    i was just about to write something similar to you , then I read the way you are feeling and it made me feel a little better .. I was diagnosed jan 2018 with TNBC operation jan 2018 & finished all treatment at the end of sept 2018 .
    I am currently having a hard time with the motivation to loose weight , have supposedly gone into early menopause I am 41 and haven’t had a cycle since March last year , i am feeling so tired all the time and everything seems a chore .
    I am struggling to find a job , which also gets me down and I have people telling me do something for yourself you will feel better and even had someone say what’s your problem you don’t have cancer anymore , Cried for about 2 hours after that comment .
    I am hoping I get out of this funk soon as I would love to get back to as close as possible to my old self .
    I hope you are doing well xxx
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    @Nikkilee tell them to pull their heads in or at least ignore their comments. I am 3 years post treatment and still have lethargy and various odd aches. If you can get through the day that's a win. Just keep plodding along. Some days are much better than others. Here's cheers to the oncoming good days. <3
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Hi @Nikkilee. It's tough eh? You put it perfectly, tired all the time and everything seems a chore. I'm trying really hard to get out of this funk but tbh it doesn't seem like I'm getting anywhere. I forced myself out for a walk today and will try and do the same tomorrow. I function, but to describe me as doing well would be a stretch.

    That comment is the height of ignorance and insensitivity. Some people have no idea. Bless their naive innocence. Would that we could be so ignorant...

    I have no answers, but know that we're in this together. K xox
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    @Nikkilee have you looked at the Otis foundation website? They provide free holidays for people up to two years post breast cancer treatment. You just have to get to your destination and feed yourself. It might be a way to have a break and take some family with you. Travel can be problematic if you don't live close to one of their numerous properties, but it's worth investigating.

    I didn't work for nearly two years after my latest diagnosis so fully understand the challenges of limited finances, unemployment and unrealistic expectations about when you should be 'better'. Otis has been a godsend for me and others. Good luck and I hope things start to look up a bit for you. This is really hard work. Mxx