Night Howls



  • Jullie
    Jullie Member Posts: 6
    Hello Night Howls been a while since been on here. Last time was during AC and I had itchy scalp that was in June.  Finished treatment 3 weeks ago but  the night time so hard to sleep. I'm just on the oral Tamoxifen now. Sorry don't do night sedation. Hope you beautiful ladies have a great Christmas. All I want for Christmas is to lose weight, a pain free shoulder with good ROM , infection, Seroma free boob , nice toenails and IIleft boob that doesn't look so like a prune. An a bit more hair on my head. Blimin hair on arms and legs is growing back with a vengeance that part I didn't miss.
    And the energy to move house, pack and clean before Jan 12. I'm managing 3 to 4 hrs sleep at night with nap during day. Thank goodness for my kids, family and friends and belief in the Almighty. Otherwise I would be a mental case  Good night Sweet Night Owls.
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Annie C how horrible for u - that would of been so horrible and I’m sorry that hubby doesn’t get it but he may feel really bad and keeping his emotions close to his chest maybe??

    @Jullie I have been on tamoxifen for 6 months now and sleep, fluid retention and brain fog are my worst problems and of course the brain fog gets worse when I sleep badly. It has no rhyme or reason - sometimes I won’t sleep to badly and then other weeks like this week I’ll manage 4 hours a night. Surprising my body is getting used to trudging through a 12 hour work day on minimal sleep. Took a melatonin last night and that helped a little bit and tonight is temazepam Thursday  :)
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @jullie I'd love to have the old me back for Christmas!  Wouldn't that be great?  Good luck with the packing and moving.

    @Annie C Embarrassing for sure - but would you feel the same if your boobs matched?  If I look back on the times that I have inadvertently flashed or walked in on someone, I think that I am more embarrassed by being the viewer than the object viewed, only because I feel that I have been at fault and invaded their privacy.  And my guess is, that even if it appeared that he copped an eyeful, he was probably so mortified that he glazed over anyway.  Regardless, unless he's an impressionable 18yo who doesn't know any better, he's probably mature enough to understand that it is what it is.  
  • Jullie
    Jullie Member Posts: 6
    Hello Night Howls been a while since been on here. Last time was during 
  • Jullie
    Jullie Member Posts: 6
    @ Sister, Thank you . Hmm husband commented one day wouldn't it be great if we could swap your old parts with good parts? I'm like I feel the same about you to love of my life :p
    @ Kiwi Angel, that maybe why I feel swollen and heavy, fluid retention. But the heat up here in Qld just makes me sweat like crazy.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Beautiful Ladies. I hope this year will be a good one for all of us. :)<3

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,229
    OMG .... Ann ... I just had to laugh .... (sorry!) 

    i hope that Ian is a real gentleman and can look you in the eye again next time you meet socially .... or just pre-empt him by saying. “Wanna see it again?” And laugh??

    I’ve  been running the gauntlet with my BIL visiting just now .... I still run to the shower ‘in the nick’ but am confident I won’t bump into him, as he sleeps in til after 9 every morning!!  LOL

    Dont you. HATE tinnitus?  Take care xxxx
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Annie C - aka "The Flasher" - yes, before 7:30 am is an indecent time to call on anyone. Hopefully Rick has learned his lesson and also learned something about BC that will sensitise him a little.
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    A sneaky visitor caught hanging off the railing beside the still open door just before I went to bed. 2km walk to drop it off in the wetlands. Needless to say I did not get to bed early. I am starting to wish I had a dollar for every one caught. It's mounting up. 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Any snakes I see here, I steer well clear of!
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Way back on November 5, I posted about a very unsatisfactory visit to a GP at my local practice about some weird thing that was going on with my finger.  Sat on the x-ray referral for weeks, unable to do anything about it as I didn't want to go back to that GP and everything was just too hard.  Finally, on my psychologist's advice, I rang the GP clinic last week and spoke to my usual GP (he replaced the one who deserted us for Orange) who at the time of the original appointment was booked up until end of January.  I explained the problem I had had with my visit and he told me to go ahead with the x-ray and made an appointment for me for this morning.  Nothing sinister, I have probably injured my finger some time over the last year without realising it and done some tendon damage (on top of the beginnings of arthritis, which apparently makes it easier for the tendon to slip).  Now booked in to see an orthopaedic guy mid-January and probably surgery to repair it.

    Lesson learnt from this schmozzle?  I am nowhere near back to the person I was prior to BC; I have no resilience and, while sometimes I can surprise myself, I have to let go of my own expectation of being able to cope with small or large obstacles.  Baby steps...  Other lesson is not to let the bastards get me down.
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    It's difficult, isn't it, to identify the precise point where 'You seem a bit disorganised' can be rediagnosed as 'You are screwing me around, you bastard.' For clarification, bastard in this context applies to both sexes of humans and animals, businesses, and various bits of inorganic matter.

    It used to be quite easy to decide when to make a complaint or escalate an old one. When to spring into action and Get Stuff Done. Not now. It's all too bloody hard. Inertia rules and it doesn't take much for me to decide I'll have a nap/glass of wine/frontal lobotomy or what ever else it takes to aid the ignoring of a problem.

    More surgery @sister. You Bewdy.  I can only imagine how long I could manage to delay that. What's wrong with going through life with only 9 functional fingers? Bit like my hammer toe--organize to have a steel rod put though it? Not even in my dreams. I hope. Mxx

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,229
    Damn, that's annoying!  Good that you are getting it checked out, @Sister  & hope that it may be rectified 'easily', without surgery?  Tho once you see a surgeon, that is all they want to do, eh??

    I agree with all yours and @Zoffiel's sentiments - it just seems all too hard!  Tho I DID let the bastards get me down!  :(  

    I've had more meltdowns in the last 2 and half weeks than in the last 12 months (and I had a couple of doozies during Rads!)  Thru sheer incompetence!

    Yep, @Zoffiel - I reckon I'll take you up on that nap/glass of wine/frontal lobotomy !!  Yeah - they talked about putting a steel rod thru both my big toes due to Bunions forcing them into the direction of the other toes!  NO THANK YOU!!