Where did my gratitude go? I swear I left it right here somewhere...



  • Annie C
    Annie C Member Posts: 853
    Ah @kmakm We either have our husbands smothering us or away from us.

    I have to psych myself up to get out of the gate and that's 150 metres down the driveway. House is on the back paddock and gate is on the front paddock. That thought of driving out on my own and dealing with people just scares the shit out of me. 

    The supermarket? Well I grab a trolley, not worried if it has square crab wheels, put my head down and go! The worst thing is this is a small town and we used to own the newsagency and I managed the post office. So you can imagine how well known I am. 

    I plaster my "go to town" smile on my face and I practice my "I am doing well thankyou" phrase all the way to town.

    God knows what the young hunk of a policeman (who looked young enough to be my great grandson) thought when he pulled me over for a breathaliser test (at 9:00 am) and I said "I am doing well thankyou"!

    The post office is a nightmare (we do not have street delivery) and of course collecting mail is a social occaision. Once I used to love it, now........

    I used to be known as "Ann in the newsagency", or "Post Office Ann", now it is "Oh Ann, who has cancer". I often want to wear a sign on my forehead that says
    "I had cancer, I am not cancer". 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Anne C Oh Ann, that is very trying! At least in the city we can have anonymity. NO one likes pity face...

    Three weeks ago I went to the supermarket and ran into a couple of mums from primary school days. One of them I've known since playgroup and I hadn't seen her for ages. The grapevine had informed her of my BC. Well, you would have thought I was a genie's bottle she was rubbing my arm that much! Couldn't stop herself. We were chatting for 10 minutes and my arm was rubbed for most of it. I didn't mind, she's a good chick, but for someone with whom I've never had a 'touching' relationship it took me by surprise. It's happened to me before, at the kids' current school when I went in mid-chemo. Three teachers and two mums did it in the space of half an hour. I was trying not to giggle by the end!
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I'm trying @kezmusc, I'm trying.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2018
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  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Joannie A new lippie sounds nice. K xox
  • PatsyN
    PatsyN Member Posts: 296
    @Joannie - My youngest daughter taught me how to do the Tim Tam Slam Dunk while I was on chemo. We filmed it for my other kids but I only know how to post photos...
    So here's a still from my lesson.
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    edited July 2018

    For you @Annie C and anyone else who’d like to try them. Let me know how they go down with your friends. My best friend in adelaide who gave me the recipe serves hers with whipped cream or ice cream and and splash of baileys. How was the job interview @Zoffiel and I think you’re more like a lioness watching over the pride on the dragon boat rather than a gargoyle lol. How’s everyone else feeling today @Summer Prevails  @beccabecca @dak2. @PatsyN  @tigerbeth Has anyone heard from any of these lately ?? Big hug. Margie. Xx
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    It went well thanks @onemargie . I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but it was a comfortable interview that ended with the primary  asking how many days a week I'd prefer to work--it was advertised as full time--so there may be an option for a 8 or 9 day fortnight. How great would that be? I could organise appointments and they'd never need to know.
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Fingers crossed @Zoffiel. I bloody hope you get the job with a bit of flexibility that would be awesome. You’ll be soo good at it they won’t care if you have a couple days off in the fortnight that’s for sure.  Keep us posted. Big hug. Margie.  Xxx 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @zoffiel It's hard not to get your hopes up but, regardless of the outcome, you obviously did well at the interview so that should help with confidence - you've said previously about that.  Fingers still crossed for you!

    @onemargie - I'll copy that for future reference.  Unfortunately, at the moment, chocolate is about the most disgusting taste on Earth.  Maybe the kids can do them during the hols.
  • tigerbeth
    tigerbeth Member Posts: 539
    Thanks @onemargie the recipe sounds great I'll have to give it a go !
    Feeling better than I was at the beginning of the week ,thanks for asking .
    one more week of rads to go ! Can't wait to get it over with ! 
    @ zoffiel i so hope you get the job , fingers crossed 
    makes me feel ungrateful for the job I have & don't want !! 
    But need to stick it out if we want to continue to travel 
    All the best xxx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    WOW!  Fingers crossed for the job, @Zoffiel  .... it sounds like you nailed it!!  :)  

    @PatsyN  - haha now you'll have to take us thru a blow by blow steps on how to do it!!

    @tigerbeth - well done - I hope you've not had any burns/peeling to contend with.  The warm boob will take 3-4 weeks to 'cool down' - so you are now officially One Hot Mama!!  ;)  Just be prepared for a bit of emotion on the last day!  It absolutely hit me from left field ..... I was yoohooing & yahooing as I approached the facility & by the time I was on the table I was a snivelling mess!!  They'd been my daily crutch for 4 weeks - and I was going to miss them big time.

    @onemargie  - WOW   Do they make diabetic chocolate?  If I made them, hubby would scoff them down in one hit!!!  Sounds Scrummy tho!

    @Annie C  & @kmakm - I hope you are feeling better in yourself today ... thinking of you xx

    @Joannie - I TOTALLY believe in a little bit of self love ..... I bought a new/used recording device to record my uke group the other day (beating the GST by 1 day!!) and it is terrific!!  Doing a little bit of what you like is also good therapy - be it sleeping in, walking, gardening - whatever tickles your fancy! 
  • Annie C
    Annie C Member Posts: 853
    Hello @onemargie. Thankyou for taking the time to post the recipe for the brownies. I will be making these for smoko this afternoon. No baileys in the cupboard and our liquor stores do not open until 1pm dailey. (Kimberley Alcohol Accord). I will let you know how the brownies turn out. Just reading the recipe they sound much nicer than the brownie I have on my Thursday coffee meet.
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Summer Prevails and @kmakm This is where I am at the moment too. It's just all too hard. I just can't see myself getting my mojo back after this is all over. Only last Friday I told my Cancer Council telephone counsellor that I felt confident I was on top of everything and we ended the sessions. Yesterday I hit a wall again. It seems it just never bloody stops. Two-thirds of the way through chemo, radiation still to go, putting on weight like a pregnant pig, hating my body, in continuous discomfort with the mesh panel under my expander and the roll of fat/ fluid under my arm ... and family tensions that will never go away. Punch after punch. My old positive spirit, so often praised, is gone and I think it's gone for good. Just going an hour at a time at the moment. Shall see how the next few days go. Probably need to hook back in to the counsellor. 

    Big hugs to you both and to everyone else with similar feelings.