Where did my gratitude go? I swear I left it right here somewhere...



  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Bloody hell @PatsyN that sucks!  I used a toothpick to get some meat out of a gum once and pressed too hard and gave myself an abscess bloody painful as all shit so I can only Imagine what you’re feeling.  Get those antibiotics and some decent pain relief into you. It’s a long time to wait when you’re in such pain. I hope it’s all fixed for you Monday. Biggest hug. Margi xx 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Oh fuckity, @patsyn I can feel the misery from here. Take an Endone. Take two. There's a few people here who don't like them so we should take up a collection of unwanted bliss for later consumption :) Mxx
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    @zoffiel. Thsts hilarious as always. I love endome it’s the bomb diggity lol. It works really well for me. I don’t need to take it that  much these days thankfully. Margie xx
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Zoffiel @onemargie love me some endone  :p
  • PatsyN
    PatsyN Member Posts: 296
    @kezmusc @kmakm @arpie
    I'm still here. More IV stuff on Friday, the pain has subsided enormously but not the swelling.
    I've got heaps of Endone and valium and panadol osteo, for what it's worth.
    My dental nurse daughter who works for an implant specialist in Sydney said they give 40 mgs valium to their patients as sedation during that ghastly process of having a jackhammer in your jaw, so I didn't feel too bad about having 4 valium (20mg) and 2 endone plus the panadol.
    She said to take them all at once and get into bed. They all kept me awake but in no pain and very happy. That was the Saturday night... the worst of the worst. But I can laugh about it now, I'm so fickle.
    @Zoffiel I love the way everyone thinks you're some kind of addict if you like it when the painkillers work and then say so. I find life much more fun in no pain and on no painkillers.
    @onemargie Thank God for Endone. I feel sorry for people who can't tolerate it. I barely notice it, lol.
    @Kiwi Angel I was so desperate to get some Endone I left the house on a cold Saturday night and drove 15 minutes to Byron Hospital. I wouldn't have done that for a date with Harrison Ford - usually.
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    edited July 2018
    @PatsyN it was a godsend to me during the last couple of chemos. Hope u r feeling better xo
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    @PatsyN  SO pleased your pain is under control .. lucky you - I can't tolerate endone - it makes me throw up!!  Wouldn't that upset the junkies!?  Down the toilet!

    Just don't take TOO many!   ;)  

    All the best ..... I hope they get you sorted soon. xx
  • beccabecca
    beccabecca Member Posts: 71
    Hi, I've had a shocking head cold etc for over 10 days now, nothing seems to be helping some nights I feel a little better, then wake the next morning feeling worse again. I've spent a few days resting as well. Guess the after effects of cancer means my immune system is pretty bad!
    In terms of my cancer moods/ feeling down, I tried a psychologist who is meant to deal with stress / distress of chronic illness, adjustment issues etc, she was a waste of time, 2nd session she just wanted me to talk again, so towards the end of the appt I asked if she was going to teach me how to deal/ work through why I keep getting upset, she said 'no, I'm hear to listen to you talk' useless! Then cos I said that she asked 'what do you want to stand for in life' 
    Waste of my time. That's the 2nd psych I tried, same useless questions, why won't they help with my 'trying to cope now' issues?
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @beccabecca Is there anyone linked to a cancer treatment place you may be able to access? Maybe someone here on the network could recommend? @Marianne_BCNA?  Whereabouts are you?
  • beccabecca
    beccabecca Member Posts: 71
    Thanks, I tried a psychologist attached to melbourne oncology services last year who was also useless, had the same ?s, what do I want to stand for, etc, obviously reading from the same book! 
    I live in the outer s/e suburbs of melboourne. 
    People seem to want to 'wash their hands' of you I think once they have finished the planned treatments. 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @beccabecca There is a community funded psychologist who specialises in treating breast cancer people at Eastern Health. I don't know if there are zones about these things but if you were prepared to jump on Eastlink, it might be worth enquiring. It's $12.40 a session. PM me for the details if you're interested.
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    @beccabecca I’m so sorry to hear how shitty you’ve been feeling. It truly sucks. You could try a counsellor rather than a paychologist. less clinical and more personable. Where abouts are you. .?? I know a good one but located brisbane north.  You should see the dr sbout your cold could be the flu? And you might need antibiotics. It certainly won’t be helping with your mood either feeling so shitty. I’m happy to chat anytime if you wanna chat just PM me. 
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Anyone heard how @Summer Prevails is feeling too now ? Xx
  • JJ70
    JJ70 Member Posts: 983
    I was scrolling down the threads and saw this title and my eyes widened. How did @Summer Prevails get in my head?
    This is a new feeling and I mean NEW - like yesterday. I was teary all last night because I felt like such a B***CH, either just completely flat with no happy spark or so ungrateful and nit-picking at everything. Not like me at all. Even hubby said "What's wrong with you?" God, I could have slapped him! :#
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @jj70 It hits like a ton of bricks, doesn't it?  I hope it is short-lived for you and that you're back on top (or at least somewhere in the middle) soon.  

    If you're around on the network @Summer Prevails, we'd love to hear from you.