Where did my gratitude go? I swear I left it right here somewhere...



  • beccabecca
    beccabecca Member Posts: 71
    Hi @onemargie
    Thanks for thinking of me! I've had a shocking head cold & sore throat since Sunday & cough now as well! Feeling tired, but not sleeping much. Had a lazy dvd day yest, not sure if it helped much. 
    Hope you are well? 

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  • beccabecca
    beccabecca Member Posts: 71
    I totally here you & understand the  frustration you are feeling. I tried to get help from the cancer council, they said I shd contact counterpart for any issues. I did have a good peer support lady but my 5 sessions ran out.I am now going to try privately, more expense ! But if it helps it will be worth it i guess. I have days when i'm upset for no reason, & after what was meant to be my final surgery, i've been worse than through all of the other processes.
    Hope things get better for you xoxo
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @beccabecca Thanks for your good wishes. I hope you find the kind of specific support you need. We're fortunate to have this forum to allow us to vent. xx
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    edited July 2018
    How’s everyone feeling on this post now @Summer Prevails @Annie C @dak2 @beccabecca @kmakm @Flaneuse @Sister . Is that all of you ?   Big hug. Margie xx
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @onemargie Thanks Margie, Feeling a bit better this week. Chemo yesterday. Physio today. One day at a time. x
  • PatsyN
    PatsyN Member Posts: 296
    @onemargie - I've had an infected tooth root which cannot be operated on until next Monday due to the inflammation.

    2 years ago I went to Bali to visit my son and his Balinese wife as I regularly do. I went to the dentist there and had an implant put into my jaw. The idea being that in 6 months I go back and they screw the lovely little molar onto the now well and truly embedded implant.

    3 months after I come back to Australia the implant gets sucked out of my jawbone. It just got looser and looser and one day it just popped out. Then within a few weeks a piece of bone or tooth or something appears where the implant had been jackhammered into my lower jaw. It was so tiny and the size of a pin head that I thought I'd deal with it later, after cancer.

    Last Friday that tiny little pinprick of a tooth where one shouldn't be, decided to make itself known and by Saturday night I'm at the hospital begging for relief.

    I went back on Sunday morning to have an x-ray to determine that I haven't got necrosis of the jaw, but a few live roots coming directly out of where the implant was placed. The tiny piece of tooth I can feel is just the tip of the ideberg.

    The moral of this story is never have your teeth done in Asia!
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  • PatsyN
    PatsyN Member Posts: 296
    @Joannie, I hope so. He said next Monday but it's still quite red and swollen which is why he couldn't touch it yesterday. I have no temp, but am having some IV antibiotics tomorrow as I wont take them orally, they make me really sick. At least all the surrounding teeth have calmed down.
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  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    BUGGER! BUGGER!  BUGGER! That's a shocker @PatsyN   :(   I hope it all goes as smoothly as possible for you xxx

    Thinking of you xx

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Oh no @PatsyN:o  I hope it's all sorted very swiftly. K xox
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @PatsyN - that sounds incredibly painful - Im such a wuss with dental stuff. 
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Ouch @PatsyN,

    Dental work is the pitts.  I had a tooth pulled out in between surgery and chemo.  The damn thing annoyed me more than the chemo somedays.  Hope they sort it out quickly for you.