Get Well soon Dear K. @kmakm



  • tigerbeth
    tigerbeth Member Posts: 539
    @kmakm lovely to hear from you 
    hope they get you on the move today if possible ! 
    Glad that the foobs look great & a flat belly well I can only dream of that !! Lol
    Hope your pain free soon , but take it easy & rest ! 
    One step at a time !!
    love & hugs

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  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    It's good to hear that you still have your sense of humour. Baby steps, K,  there is nothing worse than lying around unless it is getting up before you should (take that from someone who knows) Getting the catheter out will improve life--bloody horrible things--but they serve a purpose when getting in and out of bed isn't an option.


  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    Flash hospital brekkie!!  Glad that u r in less pain. Hopefully the get your BP under control edge then u can be up and around - thinking if u and sending big hugs xoxoxo 
  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 429
    @kmakm Lovely to hear from you this morning & you are sounding more like yourself! brekkie looks yummy...maybe don't be in a hurry to get home but then again, you are an amazing cook yourself!! Glad that the pain is slowly getting under control & lets hope they can come up with a solution to your BP. As you get each tube out, you will start to feel more human & it's amazing how a shower & a trip to the loo by yourself, can make you feel better. Great to hear that the "girls" are looking so will be out on the town in no time showing them off in that wonderful cleavage dress you had on the other night! take care my friend, rest & recover slowly but surely. Prayers & hugs xxxx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Not remotely hungry, just eating for nutrition.

    They took two drains out this morning. Ow! Two left.

    Two failed attempts at getting out of bed now. I sit up, get dizzy and very nauseous. The first go at taking blood didn't work. Veins too wrecked by chemo. So they sent in another phlebotomist and she got some.

    It's slow going and lonely and hard.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited April 2018
    Thank you @Anne65 and @mum2jj. Gentle hugs sound nice right about now.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Kiwi Angel No sign of anyone for over an hour now. Don't know what's going on. The physio said I have crackles on my lungs this morning. I'm doing all the exercises I can. What's going on with you? Chemo 3 tomorrow or another week?
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Zoffiel Sense of humour fast evaporating. Today has been awful so far. No progress.
  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 429
    @kmakm Poor Kate!! Sounds like you are hating the world at the moment & so you should. You don't deserve this after all the help & support you give to us! Please don't be lonely as you have SO many of us here in virtual land to help you & we would all love to be there with you to give you gentle hugs & hold your hand. i say a prayer for you every night but perhaps I need to say a couple more!! Keep up the fluids & eating for nutrition & that will give you strength to hopefully be able to finally get out of bed third time lucky. Two drains out is a positive so lets say that is progress & hopefully your blood test can shed some light on your BP. have you got some meditation or music to listen to, to try & relax you & it may help you sleep. Stay in hospital as long as you want to as you are getting the care you need. You have been through a huge ordeal & everything has taken its toll on your body which needs time to heal. I hope your pain decreases so you can get some sleep & ring that buzzer if you need anything from the nurses!! Try to stay positive & i wish you strength, love & blessings. Take care my friend. Very gentle & soothing hugs xxxx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Anne65 I'm really trying to stay positive. Mel & Nikki reassure me with the normalcy of these kind of problems. I just have so few reserves after the last five years and the last two years and the last five months. I'd like something to be simple and straightforward for once. But then everyone here wants that eh? It's just not our lot in life. Just had some more Endone to get on top of the belly pain. Hopefully in half an hour I'll feel a bit better. K xox
  • Finch
    Finch Member Posts: 302
    It all sounds really hard @kmakm , hope that endone is doing its job right now.  Drink as much water as possible.  Sending the love  Xxxxxx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Finch Guzzling and guzzling the water, you have no idea. My catheter bag is always well filled... Endone starting to work.
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @kmakm. U poor thing - glad the endone is starting to kick in. So sorry that u feel so bad and lonely. Have u seen your hubby at all today?  I get u with the drain thing - I only had 1 in that I bought home with me and getting that out was such a killer. It must be frustrating that u want to get up but can’t, I know u would be telling anyone in the same situation to just rest and let yourself recover. It was a huge surgery your body has been through. We r the worst at taking our own advice. Don’t feel lonely - we are all here for u and sending multitudes of virtual hugs.  @Finch and I have another week of grace before our 3rd dose. Thinking of u and wish there was something I could do to make your feel better and take your pain away. xoxooxox 
  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    Hey @kmakm - around 3pm is shift changeover so that might explain the absence of a nurse.....