Is that right? Did you really say that?



  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Annie C we could all send you some cordial ;)

  • Annie C
    Annie C Member Posts: 853
    Only if it is "doctored"!
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Annie C Do they monitor the post?! What if I sent you a bottle? Does it get confiscated??
  • Loobylou
    Loobylou Member Posts: 49
    Arghhhhh same person who asked hubby last week if I was going to survive told me today that her friend worked through her treatment, never took a day off so surely I can work...
    ummmmm, she didn't have chemo plus I am a casual worker and don't actually have a job... 
    Must avoid this person.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Better off just nodding politely as they will never understand where you are at and what it means!
    Some people remind us of how shallow they are 
    Take care
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Yes @Loobylou, you must avoid them. They are not a right companion for this part of your life. They may be later but for now you must put them aside. We don't all have empathy. I have one dear dear friend who doesn't posess a great deal at all. I steered clear of her during active treatment. She didn't mean to upset or offend me, and I did not want to lose her friendship. So for the duration I think I saw her twice. Easier and healthier for us both. K xox
  • Beryl C.
    Beryl C. Member Posts: 270
    kmakm - now that's a lesson in wisdom - thanks.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    No worries @Beryl C. I have the odd moment...! K xox
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    When showing my mother my cancer on my finger and two smaller ones on my leg she told me I worry too much about myself. What the?
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Brenda5 That's horrendous for you! You must feel so hurt. Sounds like she's in denial. I've forgotten if you've mentioned if you have a counsellor ... this is one to talk through, maybe? Huge hug. Fran xox
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Oh dear @Brenda5 - that’s a shocker.   Are you sure she isn’t in early dementia?  They can say and do inappropriate things, seriously!   I’d been wondering about Keith for 5 years+ before it was finally confirmed by diagnosis.

    Vent all you like here, we’ve got your back covered xxxx

  • youngdogmum
    youngdogmum Member Posts: 254
    I am starting to learn how lonely this road really is. 
    Hubby can’t drive me to and from my port insertion; he’s just started a new job and arranged Tuesday off specifically to take
    me to chemo. I don’t want him to make a bad impression and rearrange the schedule so soon. So I beg my oldest friends last night only to be met with lots of excuses. Wow, just wow. I mean I’ve heard some doozies like everyone else above but from people who are offering to help, so when you actually ask there’s nothing? 
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    Hi there @youngdogmum...chin up sweetie pie. One positive thing from this shitfest, called the "journey"..(.shudder, how I hate that term), is that it sorts the wheat from the chaff. These offers such as "Pleeeeease, if there's aaaaanything I can do, just let me know", fall into the same category as "How lovely to see you, you must come around for dinner one day".....Yeah you're going to ring up and say "Ohh hi there, it's me, I was thinking maybe Friday next week....for the dinner???" Bah...about as genuine as a cubic zirconia ring....looks kinda real, sparkles nicely...and worth shit. I wish I could send my golden carriage to take you, but unfortunately, it has turned into a pumpkin and we made friiters out of it and ate it. But seriously, I wish I could take you, but I can share this. I had my port put in in October 2016...still have it....under local anaesthetic (long story). I then had my first chemo using it about two hours later. It really wasn't that painful, just very uncomfortable and scary as I was awake. Apart from two very small scars. one on upper chest and one on my neck, it is hardly noticeable to others. Big (((hug)))...Ally.

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