Friends unite for Field of Women
With Field of Women only 10 sleeps away - BCNA CEO Maxine Morand and her good friend Patricia Canteri have shared their story of friendship, breast cancer and the Field of Women with the Herald Sun. Visit The Herald Sun website to read the full article.
Mawson Lakes Hotel get-together
Hello ladies, do you live in Mawson Lakes or the surrounding suburbs? Our next get-together will be held at 12 noon on Wednesday, 7th May at the Mawson Lakes Hotel, Mawson Lakes, so why not come along! It’s a great chance to meet other Adelaide ladies who are on their own breast cancer journey, share stories and make new…
.....Lunch time.....
LUNCH date When: Friday 2nd May Where: GPK Erina Fair Menu Time: 12 midday Any Central Coast resident is welcome, we also welcome those roaming north of Syd or south of Newie.......full details in the following link: http://www.bcna.org.au/network/groups/68513/blog/74120 Cheers, Louie
Any news on the April / May luncheon?
Hi ladies, I know a few of us have been in and out of hospital this month so I hope we are all recovering nicely. Just wondering if there is any updates on this months luncheon? Thanks Narelle
Ian Gawler Compass interview
Hi everyone, I was fortunate to do a retreat at the Gawler Foundation in May 2012 and it was life changing. I would like to emphasise The Gawler Foundation is pro integrated wellness, they do not discourage Western Medicine. Enjoy www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwDSfjpKkWQ&feature=youtu.be
How did your diagnosis impact you financially?
The autumn edition of The Beacon and The Inside Story are now available to read online or download. This edition focuses on practical matters such as returning to work, accessing superannuation and income protection insurance. As always, we would love you to share your experience, tips and advice by commenting on this blog…
Down time
Hi all Ok I seem to have worked this out now. I have options of writing in groups and also of writing my own blog that people may or may not want to respond to but if nothing else is a place just to write. I am at work reflecting on the fact that it has only been 5 weeks since my diagnosis of a grade invasive ductal…
Newcomer to Liverpool group
Hello to the members of the Liverpool group. I notice the blogs are from a little while ago and wondering if this group is still going. I have had a mastectomy with sentinel node biospy about 3 weeks ago for Invasive Lobular Cancer. The node biospy has since shown micromets. I currently have a small area of wound breakdown…
Get in to your local Bakers Delight bakery
Hello everyone! Queen of Pink Bun here and I’m thrilled to announce that Pink Bun 2014 has begun! This year marks the 14th anniversary of the BCNA Bakers Delight partnership, and what better way to celebrate than with a record breaking target of $1.5 million! The annual fundraising campaign will see all 600+ bakeries take…
Fundraise & stand on the Field for free
The team at BCNA are getting excited to stand alongside you on the Field this year - only 30 more sleeps! This year there is also the opportunity to fundraise for BCNA. For those who raises more than $300 for BCNA using a Field of Women Go Fundraise page will be able to claim a rebate of $55AUD for the cost of their…
Halfway Hotel, Beverley, get-together
Hello ladies, do you live in Beverley or the surrounding suburbs? Our next get-together will be held at 7 pm on Thursday 24th April at the Halfway Hotel, Beverley, so why not come along! It’s a great chance to meet other Adelaide ladies who are on their own breast cancer journey, share stories and make new friends! :) The…
Period is back
Just a quick update. My period has returned, they stopped completely when I had chemo. Finished chemo in end of Nov and have just returned now. Kind of suspected they were coming back. Tender breasts and spotty chin. Feel a bit relieved as my 2 attempts at ivf failed. Not getting too carried away as I've been told I need…
Launceston face to face support group meetings
Launceston Support Group's next meeting is on Tuesday 6 May at 10.00am. Our guest speaker will be Anna Lovitt, Social Worker- Oncology from the Holman Clinic who will talk on: the role of social work at the Holman Clinic and on Ward 5D– and how they work in conjunction with breast care nurses and other services. It might…
Look good feel better
Has anyone been to these groups that are organised by lovely ladies? I've been booked into one and will be going this month
Hi all
Hi all, I just thought I would introduce myself :) My name is Meghan & I am 47. I was diagnosed on 1/6/2011. I underwent 6 rounds of chemo, a double mastectomy & 25 rounds of radiation. Also 1 week ago I had a radical hystorectomy including ovary removal. I find it very difficult if not impossible to start living again. I…