A great National Summit 2015
All the information is starting to sink in and after a great job by the team at the workshop I am getting my head around everything. it was a great experience, thank you.
Back in 2014
Spash and Chat will recommence on Tuesday 14th January at 10.30 am. We will have a new member bringing our numbers to 7. Our members, Sue,Marilyn,Margie, Margaret, Leanne, Deborah are all travelling quite well in their journey and certainly showing some definate advantages by coming along to our sessions each week. We are…
Online Network update
It's been a very active week in the online network with many members who continue to share their experiences and words of support. While these are my last couple of months with BCNA, I reflect on what I am most proud of in the online network. For me, this has been seeing members connect with each other who are at different…
so much information! So many decisions!
Welcome to the 'Engaging online communities' online group
Hi all, My name is Daina and I manage the online network here at BCNA. With Summit only just around the corner, I thought I would introduce myself. I will be facilitating the 'Engaging online communities' stream at Summit which you have all signed up to attend :-) I'm hoping to have all 30 attendees to this stream…
Our Get Togethers in WA
Just a quick update on our latest meetings for those who couldn't be there. We have been very fortunate to have two excellent guest speakers at our recent gatherings, as well as welcoming some lovely new faces. Moira, a Breast Care nurse from Breast Cancer Care WA, joined us for the June meeting and shared lots of useful…
How will we recognize each other?
Hi all, looking forward to meeting you all. At Daina,s suggestion am starting this blog so we can post a recent picture of ourselves so we can recognize each other. Let's face it, I am a bit incognito in mine with paint all over myself ;) here goes.... Paula :)
My Summit homework
Hi, I have taken quite a few attempts to find the blog site, so excuse the shallowness of this message, as really I am celebrating that I've actually succeeded in adding a blog. Thank you anyone who reads this :) .
Summit 2015
Dear Team Excited to get to the summit Yes! Been chaotic lately and not as online as I should have been :0 Still can only do what we can do. Looking forward to a great 2 days, of learning , laughing, seeing old friends and meeting new ones x
Hi Ladies I find some of the personal messages I receive are not registering on the meter next to my messages BUT they appear in my TRASH box. I have alerted BCNA some weeks ago but it has not been fixed. So, if you have not heard from someone as per usual do check your Trash box. Regards to all Summer :-(
Countdown to July Summit 2015
So looking forward to National Summit in Melbourne. Catching up with old friends and making new ones. Learning, sharing and connecting - plus having fun! Shared this photo with my 'Engaging Online Communities' group. Di PS I like to smile - especially when I'm on holidays!
See you at Summit!
Great idea to share photos! Nice shots of you, Daina and Paula. Di
Reclaim Your Curves -BRISBANE Lunch
Calling all BRISBANIANS............Join your host Alex for a casual social get together over lunch to chat about all those things best said face to face. A casual lunch date where you can meet and discuss experiences of breast reconstruction. Come along if you have a story to share, or if you are undergoing or planning…
Reclaim Your Curves - Central Coast Lunch
Howdy Coasties, we have a lunch organised for Sunday 9th August @GPK. Everyone welcome; had reconstruction, planning or just want to drop by for a chat with some top chicks. Follow this link to RSVP. cheers LouieXXX
'Happiness is an inside job'
As I sit at my dinning table for the 4th week in a row - amongst the thick layer of dust from our house renovations, I went in search for some personal inspiration - For me - today - it was this quote and I am going to remind myself of this over the weekend :-) As I reflect on my own week, I wanted to share some of the…