Our Get Togethers in WA

Pixie29 Member Posts: 59
edited November 2016 in Community news and events

Just a quick update on our latest meetings for those who couldn't be there. We have been very fortunate to have two excellent guest speakers at our recent gatherings, as well as welcoming some lovely new faces.

Moira, a Breast Care nurse from Breast Cancer Care WA, joined us for the June meeting and shared lots of useful information about the excellent services provided by BCCWA and also some other organisations. 

Our guest for the July meeting was Sally Edmondson, a Clinical Psychologist from North Perth. Sally spoke about Post Traumatic Growth (PTG) and shared some very positive and entertaining messages. She also generously stayed to answer questions on many other topics as well!

We have a naturopath coming to August meeting and some meditation and reflexology lined up for September.Thanks to Mich x for organising these meetings and Zan for setting up the perfect venue!



  • Cath6053
    Cath6053 Member Posts: 24
    edited July 2015

    I joined the Perth/WA Womens Group in June and have now attended 2 meetings.

    I am grateful to have met such a caring group of like-minded ladies, at all different stages of the BC journey.  It has been wonderful for me and just what I needed, as I am in the middle of my active treatments, having been diagnosed with a 5cm x 4.5cm Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in January 2015, chemo treatment Feb-May, then mastectomy & axillary dissection 2 weeks ago. 

    What a group of lovely, lovely ladies, happy to answer any questions from us newbies and also going to the trouble to have guest speakers attend to give us more information to help. 

    I'm so glad I attended the July meeting, as I was just out of surgery and having pains in my arm, and the ladies mentioned cording, which gave me more awareness to seek help early. I have ended up with cording and now having physio treatment. Plus I was able to loan a book from the book library, which has helped me to prepare for radiation.

    I look forward to baking a delicious cake and pinking it up, for our next get together. 

    Catherine from Bayswater, Perth WA.



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