Oncologist in South Melbourne area

I am looking for a private oncologist South Melbourne. I am tired of the public system. Never same answer, lost my file, waiting months to see a Neurologist after a TIA... I dont know, I am lost. GP does not know either...
When I got my TIA in early June, My GP did not call the Cancer medical centre where I am followed by and asking follow up, I have to do everything by myself.. including waiting hours on call centre, waiting for call back, at the end I have to go personally asking what to do and they decided to do a MRI. now got lettre for Monash hospital, appointment October 2015 and will cost me 400 dollars... I did not ask private and plus I am amazed how long do we have to wait in the system.
I would rather paying 400 dollars to see a private oncolgist and been follow seriously.
It is not normal that the follow up for cancer patients are so bad. They should put the money to a system to help people for any admin, or medical or anything they need to do.
Hi sorry you are getting the run around I hear so many stories about the public system good and bad. I myself went private as I have paid private health insurance for years. I live in the west so to far for you. Good luck hope something comes up