I have just joined this online network. It seems Newcastle does not have any online support groups which offers monthly get togethers of BC sufferers and survivors. I am part of a small group who get together once a month and am wondering if it is worthwhile adding this group online for other women in the area who may wish…
BCNA Northern QLD Forums
Wow! The stories of women and supporters who travel long distances to attend our forum events continue to inspire me whilst also be a real reminder of the need to provide such opportunities to gain information and meet others affected by breast cancer. Both our Rockhampton and Townsville events were well attended (and…
Swimming in Geelong Group
I'm making this post for warrior2010s, who has started up a new group: Swimming in Geelong. From the About Us: "I would like to get a group of girls that love swiming & meet one day a week to go to Geelong or Ocean Grove swiming pool". If you're interested, wander over and check it out.
Getting started group
The Getting Started group is for everyone in the online network to come to and ask questions if you need some help with getting set up in the network. Ask whatever you like, and one of our members will help you find the information you need. Who's it for? Everyone can join Where is it? Getting started:…
BCNA heading to QLD
It's always exciting to be part of the planning for BCNA forums around Australia. Next week three of our staff (Lyn Swinburne, Amanda Winiata and Jess Weir) head to QLD to host another two forums as part of the 'Supporting Women in Rural Areas Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Program', funded by the Australian Government. The…
Annual Fundraising Raffle
Grand Annual Fundraising Raffle 1st Prize 12 Month Gym Membership Donated by Club Pink 2nd Prize Twilight Helicopter Ride & Dinner for Two Donated by Aquila Helicopters & The Boat House 3rd Prize Pearl Necklace, Earrings & Bracelet Donated by Jane Brown Pearls 4th Prize An Evening in Bungendore (Dinner, Bed and Breakfast &…
The Scar Project
Amazing Ladies, great photos to raise awarness of breast cancer among younger generations. http://www.thescarproject.org/
Multidisciplinary Team Meeting
I recently visited a Breast Cancer Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) meeting, as an observer, at a Hospital in metropolitan Melbourne. As the Policy Manager for BCNA, I wanted to better understand how a typical MDT meeting works - and I was in turn both surprised and impressed. I thought Network members might be interested to…
Pretty in pink at the MCG
The image of the pink twinkling lights on the MCG will remain in my memory forever. To stand on the MCG with my husband Brian ( who looked gorgeous in pink) my daugher who came down from Rockhampton and my daughter in law Jennifer who flew over from Adelaide as a suprise made the event even more magical.
Breast Cancer Network Australia
I want to share my rhyme with you: Breast Cancer Network Australia – rhyme by Terri They’re here to help and give nothing but the best In so many ways and they’ll help put your mind at rest, Empowering women to have a voice In their own health care, they have a choice, Informative services they do provide On breast cancer…
Hello everyone, making the most of tnew echnology- here is the first blog about our groups activities- thanks Janelle for your online support. This space is a good way to promote our support group that has benn running for over 10 years now. Our Dance Troupe begins tonight! Practice is at 6.30-7.30 at OUr Well Beign Place…
Our Logo
The yellow twisted loop that ends in a dragon head - this represents the dragon spirit and its embrace of the women as it encircles them. The bright yellow colour represents life and hope. The pink ladies - the grouping of the women together represents the strength we gain from each other and the fact that we are not alone…
The generosity of people
I am constantly amazed about how many people are willing to put their hand up and help BCNA out. Whether it be Anthony Briggs, who raised over $8,000 and run in the Sydney Moring Herald Half Marathon last weekend, in honour of his Aunt, our volunteers who join us in the office every week to help out where ever they can,…
April meeting
On Wednesday 12th the Waratah BCSG met at the Sale Greyhound Club. Thanks 2 managment for use of their champions room (apt naming) . DVD of the 05 & 08 field of women was shown on the big screen tv, followed by photos from Friday nites field of women Took laptop so was able to show new look bcna website especially Waratah…
Field of Women LIVE - a sparkling success!
What a night! This was my second Field of Women LIVE and like the 2007 Field, the 2010 Field was a night I will never forget. Seeing the Pink Lady sparkling so brilliantly left me awestruck. Knowing that it was the lights of 14,000 people representing the number of women who will hear the words 'you have breast cancer'…