BCNA Northern QLD Forums

Wow! The stories of women and supporters who travel long distances to attend our forum events continue to inspire me whilst also be a real reminder of the need to provide such opportunities to gain information and meet others affected by breast cancer.
Both our Rockhampton and Townsville events were well attended (and didn't I enjoy the beautiful sunshine) and the buzz of chatter during lunch breaks electric. Watching women speaking, it's so easy to presume they've been long term friends. I continue to love being pleasantly surprised when I hear women have only just met for the first time and plan to stay in contact.
Again a huge thank you to all speakers involved and to all our volunteers at the events, without the support of local women we couldn't pull these events off.
Our team is now busy planning for our two July forums in WA where we head to Bunbury and Geraldton.
For information on our forum events, past and current plans visit our BCNA forums page.