Blue dye spot - having a whinge
I had my surgery in March 2018 and the blue dye spot is still shining brightly under my skin. I know this is really petty and completely trivial but it's really annoying. It's a constant daily reminder of why 2018 was such a shitty year and that even though I'm finished with active treatment and supposedly in remission,…
My ‘journey‘ so far has been a bit of a roller coaster. We were going on a long awaited cruise, so trying on bathers I thought my breast just didn’t look right in the mirror. Checking when I got home I found a lump, so saw the GP the next day. She reassured me, but ordered mammogram & ultrasound straight away. I couldn’t…
Depression? Get a dog.
I have finally realized why I cannot get out of this funk of depression. I need a dog! In 2015 I got breast cancer and finished treatment apart from hormone therapy in 2016. In 2017 one of my dogs got bone cancer and had to be put down at Xmas. In April 2018 my old dog had to be put down at a record 17 years old. Ever…
Diagnosed 21/12
hi everyone. I had my routine 2 yearly mammogram on 10/12. Got a call back to BreastScreen and was diagnosed 21/12. I was just so grateful that it was before Christmas. A tiny 5mm invasive which is quite deep in my breast. I was actually very upbeat after my diagnosis. It’s only now I’m starting to come down a little.…
Active Treatment Over – waiting for 1 year check up
My name is Karyn and was 45 years old at time of diagnosis (now 46) in February 2018. It was a full on, high octane, hurry up and wait time of about 6 months until I was declared in remission in September 2018. I don’t think I’ll quite believe it until March when I have my first mammogram and ultrasound. I’ve read other…
I tell myself to use mind calming techniques and strategies as well as physical exercise but I still get anxious when it comes up to my repeat ultrasound/mammogram and the anniversary of my original surgery even though it is not until 1st December ............... this year will be three years post early diagnosis,…
Newly diagnosed - how to cope?
Hi everyone, there are so many inspiring stories on here and lots of support. I know that many on here have it way worse than me but I just wanted to reach out and say hi and get some advice on coping with what’s ahead. This is my story - I was diagnosed with stage 2 at the start of December having found a lump randomly…
Dont know what to do!
I'm struggling at the moment. Our family were meant to be on the holiday of a lifetime in Europe at the moment celebrating our eldest son's graduation from High School. We were meant to fly out on the 28th November but I was diagnosed with BC on the 8th November. I had surgery on the 6th December single mastectomy.…
I said no
I saw the radiographer today. I told him no. I am not going to have radiation. I know you lovely ladies would have supported me through it but I couldn't handle anymore. I am taking my 85+% chance of non reoccurance along with the herceptin and risking it. They tell me I would have up to 95% chance of non reoccurance with…
Drained- Depressed & Struggling
Well it has been three months since I have been online so here goes. Twelve weekly sessions of chemo (Paclitaxel) plus Trastuzumab (hercepton) every three weeks just completed! Last tuesday was my last chemo (Paclitaxel) YAY! I was to start 4 weeks of radiation on 17th Sept. But was notified yesterday it will now start on…
Life after Breast Cancer
Keen to chat to other woman who have been diagnosed in the past. I myself, was diagnosed in both 2012 and 2017. I want to know how other woman have adapted again to work, family, new relationships etc I still have my moments and would love to chat to others who have been there as well.
What do I do?
My baby sister turns 42 next week. She is facing the end of her life with breast cancer now in her bones, liver, lungs and brain. Every moment I have left is a moment I treasure. I want to scream, I often cry and when I am with her I always try to smile. She is the bravest woman I know. I would be so grateful for any ideas…
Im alone and dont want to burden others
Hi all. I was diagnosed Wednesday. Had to tell kids parents and a few friends. had MRI CT Bone scan waiting a week for results. Now have to go xmas shopping. Its exhausting mentally physically and emotionally. when yiu tell people you have to support and manage their stuff too. I feel alone. Im single and each morning i…