New diagnosis - Jen029
I was diagnosed on 1st November, had surgery last week and have just been to the surgeon today for pathology results. Triple negative and ki67 of 80%, fortunately lymph nodes are clear as are CT and bone scans. Will be needing chemo and radiation therapy. It has been a very overwhelming couple of weeks. Will be trying to…
Catching up.
Hi everyone in particular to @Merv, I do hope you have bought that camera and send us some photos, @sister,@afraser, @kmakm,@kitbag,@iserbrown,@arpie,@soldiercrab,@rikibcna so, it has been a few days since I received all of your lovely messages, and I have needed that time to just step back from bcna,and enjoy these…
Im back And happy again
sooo I had a extended break from this and ended up having anxiety and now take half a antidepressant a day and finally feeling like my old self again. Just before Christmas I was thinking about quitting work I was so anxious over the stupidest things like what if the cake I choose isn’t right. Now I am back to. If you…
Music to soothe your soul...or pump you up....or let out the rage...
Following on from the excellent discussion about what movies to watch when you're housebound and recovering, I thought I'd ask about music. What kind of music has helped you? Do you have a "go to" song if you're feeling stressed, sad, angry, happy? A lot of people seem to resonate with "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten. How…
Black Saturday Doco
Did anybody see the Black Saturday doco on ABC last night? I only caught the end of it but it did strike me that a lot of what they were saying about trauma and recovery is the same as what we go through. (Not taking anything away from the bushfire victims, of course.) And on that note, my thoughts are with any of you…
All clear
Been for results & given the all clear. Thank goodness for that, but how come I don’t feel the elation that family & friends are feeling?? I feel a sense of relief but not excitement & not wanting to go out & celebrate. Is it the fear of it reoccurring? Maybe in a few days I will feel it....Maybe I’ve just had enough now…
Still crying
Hi Everyone, After 8 years clear I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer on the 19th December 2018 and I am devastated. You can imagine what Christmas and New Year celebrations have been like.... bloody miserable. I have been on the Ribociclib treatment since Boxing Day, the side effects have come in waves but not…
Complications from chemo
Hi everyone. I have barely been on here for some time now, OK....a long time, and for that I apologise. Whilst I was beginning my breast cancer journey from basically 2016 (aged 59)- I was also a full time carer to my 91 yr old Mother. It's all been pretty full on. Mum took the news of my breast cancer badly. It was almost…
The New Me.
I was so looking forward to a works Christmas Party this weekend to catch up with people I hadn't seen for a quite a while as well as friends who have been there for me since the beginning of this shitty BC journey. I got the old glad rags on ready for a fun night but once having got there I just felt I didn't belong.…
Time is of the essence
Hi I was diagnosed 15th Jan 2019 with DCIS. Appointment with the surgeon is booked for 3 weeks time, but I'm freaking out as this time frame for me seems extensive, is it? How long has others waited from diagnosis to appointment with their surgeon? Am I worrying, when there is little need? Thanks in advance :)
New to Support Network
Hello I am 36 years old and was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer (right breast and tumours on my left lung) in May 2018. I have been having chemotherapy since then and no end in sight so far. I have two very young children and I guess I was just hoping to connect with other women in a similar position as me or women…