I thought I was doing okay. Finished treatment in April. Now part of the short grey hair brigade-hair has grown back grey and wirey so growing some length is not an option unless I want to look like '…
Hi. Yesterday morning I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I’m 35 yrs old. I found the lump 10 days ago and was told the terrible news yesterday. The fine needle biopsy results came back positive for a…
Hi everyone - I' 45 and was diagnosed last Friday with stage 2, IDC, triple positive breast cancer and saw the surgeon yesterday - we are going to go down the chemo/radiation route first over surgery.…
I have spent the last two days in hospital with a blockage in the upper bowel which is in turn causing me severe leg muscle pain. Movicol, senna, coloxyl, enemas, nulax, dulose, osmolax, all on top of…
It’s been three days now since my mother has been diagnosed with cancer. It all seems so surreal. I’ve been holding all my feelings in so well until last night. I wasn’t even thinking that hard about …
I was diagnosed with breast cancer and it has been whirlwind from the day of diagnosis which was the 2nd of December to my Surgery 5 days ago. I think I have been on a high, but looks like I am starti…
Hi there, I’m new to this site and to be honest very scared. I had surgery a week ago to have a cancer removed (lumpectomy). Results are in. Clear margins and clear nodes (that’s the good news) Grade …
Hi, I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Thursday the 8th November. My eldest child finishes school this year and we were meant to be heading off to Europe on the 28th November for the trip of a life…
Finished all my active treatment 6 months ago and was booked in at the start of February for a 1 year anniversary CT scan. The last couple of mornings have had blood in my stool and a sore tummy - imm…
Good morning Ladies, I am having a left mastectomy and auxiliary node clearance today at the QEH in Adelaide. I am just wondering if anyone can give me any tips or advice following surgery for the bes…
Hi all, My mother (35) was diagnosed with breast cancer yesterday. She noticed a lump in her breast which she got tested immediately. They told her there was nothing to worry about. 7 months later she…
Hi all I am a 40 year old Mum of 3 (3,7,8). 5 weeks ago I found a lump in my left breast. Saw GP the next day and was referred for tests. In the last 5 weeks I have had: mammogram ultrasound biopsy CA…
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